10 years of hardware support through upgrades, not updates
>10 years of hardware support through free upgrades isn't anything new and this is not 10 years of what everyone knows and understands to be updates. Unless you're an enterprise with 6 month LTS cycle, each release of ChromeOS only comes with 4 weeks of updates, before you're required to get the next full release. Most vendors refer to each full release as an upgrade but Google insists on calling it a "full OS update" to mislead/confuse. You might say I'm splitting hairs but during your 10 year support lifecycle, features can be added, changed or removed by Google on a whim.
Past examples include:
* Removing PPAPI support for things like Adobe Flash without a suitable replacement
* Removing Google Native Client application support for proper packaged apps
* Removing ARC runtime support to replace it with something not all Chromebooks could use
* Breaking past whitelist/blacklist policies while inventing new equivalent terminology
* Multiple changes to the graphics stack as part of infrastructure changes
Other OSes give you at least a year of breathing room between required upgrades (Windows, macOS) or the option to remain on security-only channels to dodge upgrades (Debian, Ubuntu LTS).
Google needs to be honest about what they're offering.