Re: Attack the advertisers to get results
I find that ads are often directly counterproductive for me, and the ones that aren't are simply ineffective.
Direct contacts:
Contact me via unsolicited email or phone call? I will NEVER do business with you. You're already breaking the law, so I'll never trust you.
Contact me via unsolicited postal mail? I'll call and politely ask to not get mailed again (but won't count it against you); mail me again and you're on my "won't do business with" list. Keep mailing me after multiple requests and I'll go bigger; it took a Better Business Bureau complaint to get Spectrum to quit mailing me, even after 6 months of opt-outs, and that complaint is PUBLIC and PERMANENT.
Contact me via solicited postal mail? Yeah, right, like I asked for it? See above.
General ads:
Website ads? Ad blockers stop most of it, the vast majority of others are something I'd never be interested in. I've clicked a couple of times on website ads, but mostly to send a little money to the site, rather than because I was actually interested.
Search ads? I know to look for "Ad" or "Sponsored" in the first few links, and **ALWAYS** skip them. No exceptions. I think some ads appear on the right side of the screen, depending on search engine, but I don't even look.
Phone app ads? As 95% of them are obvious scams ("Get paid for playing video games!" "Get 10000000 Robux for installing this app!", Temu), I naturally assume anything advertised there is a scam and won't touch it.
TV ads? I use Netflix, and that's it. No ads.
Radio ads? My usual station has very, very few ads (listener-supported). Never really heard anything I was interested in.
And here on El Reg, I skip anything marked Sponsored, AdversarialAdvertorial, Webinar...