back to article Alibaba set to unleash AI that offers financial advice – do you feel lucky?

Alibaba's fintech arm, Ant Group, has unveiled a large language model and related applications for the financial services industry that it thinks can offer advice to both professionals and consumers. The LLM and applications were announced at a conference in Shanghai. "Wealth managers can deploy the LLM to evaluate financial …

  1. xyz Silver badge


    Sounds a bit like

    1. b0llchit Silver badge

      Re: Mmmm...

      Is that as predictable as devilish 666 and divine 333?

  2. lglethal Silver badge

    Well considering most "advisors" are limited to shilling for whichever insurance company/financial service offers them the biggest kickback, sorry incentive, then this might actually stand a chance of helping people. After all, an AI doesnt get kickbacks (I have a mental image of someone talking to an AI offering them a faster processor or two...), so it's alerady an improvement...

    Then again, who knows it's AI, it's bound to tell someone to commit suicide at some point. Perhaps, directly after the market crashes...

    PS, I know not all Advosors are shills, when you find a good one, be very happy! But there are a lot out there, who make Used Car Salesman look like they belong in the clergy...

  3. cookieMonster Silver badge

    Alibaba's fintech arm

    You need to be careful here, there’s a company about to IPO thats getting absurd about protecting its brand

  4. Mike 137 Silver badge


    Would you consult a human "financial adviser" who had a huge vocabulary and was fluent at constructing frequently encountered sequences of words but had absolutely no idea what they were saying actually meant?

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Re: Question

      I believe we call such people, "Politicians"...

      (and unfortunately, some people do seem to actually listen to them...)

  5. ChoHag Silver badge

    How long until Alibaba is sued by someone who followed the robot's instructions as blindly as it gave them out?

  6. YetAnotherXyzzy


    Roboadvisors have been a thing in the U.S. financial services field for years. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but isn't the big innovation here to simply call it AI?

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