back to article Microsoft to shield paid-up Copilot customers from any AI copyright brawls it starts

Microsoft vowed on Thursday it would step in and defend paying customers if they face any copyright lawsuits for using Copilot. Magnanimous, one might say, though another way of looking at it is this: Microsoft is offering experimental products – AI tools that generate text, code, and more - that customers are so worried will …

  1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

    Modern Treasure

    Imagine someone stealing a model trained on company secrets.

    It's like having super compressed dataset of company internal documents with built in search engine that can actually find stuff and connect the dots.

    Employees having access to these must be making millions salaries and if not, they might soon...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If only

    Please would someone post Microsoft source code where the AI can find it ?

    I'd love to see them protect someone from being sued by themselves :-)

  3. druck Silver badge

    Bad, bad, bad

    So a small independent developer who finds that his code has been ripped off by someone using Co-pilot, and asserts his valid copyright claim, now finds himself up against Microsoft's army of lawyers operating in every jurisdiction?

  4. mattaw2001

    lawsuits don't just cost money - what about the time?

    I'm kind of surprised this wasn't discussed in the article - a huge problem from any lawsuit is the enormous amount of time it sucks up from everyone involved and I don't see Microsoft making that good. Even if money could cure the damage, which it often can't.

    Also I feel that unless you can enforce the guidelines through policy this kind of guarantee feels very wishy-washy. How does one prove that it was all within those guide rails, especially when you blend AI generated results into other material.

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      'a huge problem from any lawsuit is the enormous amount of time it sucks up from everyone involved'

      I think everyone knows this.


  5. frankrider

    This is why…

    This is why we have a RICO Act here in the states.

    1. seldom

      Re: This is why…


  6. frankrider


    If using AI-generated code can’t be copyrighted that means it’s not covered by the DMCA. So yeah, keep using that AI.

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