Lies, lies, lies - so business as usual then?
It seems that that is the way ahead for all US companies when they get bigger.
"Privacy Sandbox project" - nice use of words, but your privacy isn't sandboxed, but your choices regarding it. The key reason for Google abandoning cookies is (like Facebook) that they have discovered it makes it too easy to avoid their theft of personal information which both see as their divine right for profit, your rights be damned.
One minor nit with the article: "Unlike America, where opt-out is acceptable and opt-in requirements are broadly opposed by marketers, EU data privacy rules are more demanding in the way data choices are presented." - that was only true until marketing lobbyists spent enough money on expensive dinners for EU officials to get their "legitimate purpose" exception, which now basically means you STILL have to manually opt out (which is in 99% of cases not a single button exercise).
The &^%$ marketeers now show you one set to opt out of in the hope that you ignore the other, more hidden set (and yes, that non-explicit presentation is apparently legal) which allows them to pretty much ignore your default not accepting to opt in (I hope you're still with me here) because the other set (which defaults to you opting in already) still makes it OK. It has become one more backdoor to avoid them pesky privacy laws for, well, profit.
With a degree of IMHO deliberate irony, "legitimate purpose" effectively legitimises ignoring the user's wishes and rights, even worse that is even done so by default.
So let's stop holding up Europe as a beacon of privacy - that too has turned into mainly a game for political leverage. It has less and less to do with your actual rights, article 12 of the UDHR be damned.
Dammit, that's my rant quota for this week. Worth it, though.