back to article IBM Cloud to 'uplift' prices by up to 29 percent

IBM has announced price rises for its cloud services, effective January 1, 2024. All users of the Big Blue cloud's platform-as-a-service offerings – including the Kubernetes Service, Red Hat OpenShift, all security services, and all databases – will see their bills rise by at least three percent from that date. Infrastructure …

  1. Korev Silver badge

    It suggested that some providers will be passing on inflation, but some rises will happen simply because hyperscalers know that it's hard to migrate workloads and customers will probably wear the pain.

    Ah the vendor lockin[0] that we've been warning the cloud zealots about for ages!

    Slightly less snarkily, have the competition authorities looked at the exorbitant egress charges that make it very expensive to move your data out of a $CLOUD to a competitor and/or on-prem?

    [0] See icon

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I wouldn't go blaming this new fangled cloud thingamajig for this.

      Customers choose IBM and didn't expect lock in? The previous 50+ years (I'm too lazy to research further) of IBM business practices didn't give them a hint?

      1. ecofeco Silver badge

        The load capacity of the turnip truck is infinite and the back gate is never closed.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        OpenShift users chose Red Hat.

        IBM came as a surprise.

  2. ecofeco Silver badge

    I never get tired of saying it

    So, how's that cloud thing working for ya?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    That's gonna be fun, what with half the business now dependent on Liferay, and Maximo incoming in a few years time too...

  4. TVU Silver badge

    IBM Cloud to 'uplift' prices by up to 29 percent

    Welcome to the new IBM, now twinned with Oracle.

    1. theblackhand

      Re: IBM Cloud to 'uplift' prices by up to 29 percent

      The race is still on for IBM and Oracle - which will be the first to give up on in-house cloud and go with one of Azure/AWS/Google?

      While I'm sure they would prefer to go with an alternative, I'm not sure their government customers would be too happy...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: IBM Cloud to 'uplift' prices by up to 29 percent

        We had a 'DC consolidation' exercise with IBM imposed on us by our parent company about 4-5 years ago and at the time the IBM consultants had just been given a direction to stop pushing IBM Cloud quite so hard and be open to use of the other major public clouds.

      2. WhatTheWhat

        Re: IBM Cloud to 'uplift' prices by up to 29 percent

        You're very clearly not familiar with Oracle's cloud business.

  5. Derezed

    Prices go up in areas with high inflation. Stop the presses.

    1. Antron Argaiv Silver badge

      Salaries raised to match?

      Thought not.

  6. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    We're not "seeing" a lot of changes in the world these days but in fact massive things are happening under the table ... the pandemic is a factor and every county's crappy reactions to it as well. And the Russian mess in the Ukraine and our Republican or Conservative profiting efforts ... lot's of other things too are going on so this "changing" world is not improving for most workers. Look at all the helpful stories in El Reg that describe so many current problems and corporate stupidity.

    But hopefully things will improve in the next 20-40 years and make our children happier, and us a little more relaxed.

  7. Cris E

    Google raised a ton of their prices at the start of July. BigQuery went up about 25%. As costs and interest rates go up it's harder and harder to sell at or below breakeven so they're raising rates. Data cneter hardware is more expensive too so it's not a simple matter of the lock-in knife twist. This is just inflation that was held back as long as possible to build and defend market share.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Liftr analysis ...

    "Analyst firm Liftr Insights found AWS has steadily hiked prices, while Azure costs have fallen"

    Yep, in the same way that average prices at a car dealership rise/fall if they offer more/less Ferraris instead of Honda Civics . . . Doesn't actually indicate anything about whether the price of a Civic has gone up or down

  9. trevorde Silver badge

    IBM doublespeak

    uplift = price rise

    Resource Action = redundancies

    workforce rebalancing = mass redundancies

    rightskilling = redundancies for those doing the work

    redeployment = relocating people until they resign

    early professional hire = cheap, clueless graduate

    nearshoring = cheaper for IBM but in a timezone close to customer

    offshoring = even cheaper for IBM but in a timezone far from customer

    dinobaby = anyone over 35

    1. spireite Silver badge

      Re: IBM doublespeak

      *early professional hire = cheap, clueless graduate*

      Trust me, theat is not restricted to their graduate hires.

      I've been exposed to Expensive, Clueless longt-erm hires from IBM

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Isnt this about the relative costs of running in different cloud locations? Last time I looked Azures Brazil Southeast location was about 60% uplift, so some context/comparison would have been nice

    1. WhatTheWhat

      Re: Misleading

      "OCI provides a consistent pricing experience in every region worldwide, including government regions. Where other providers have both higher and different prices in almost every region outside the US, OCI customers enjoy the same services, performance, and prices everywhere."

  11. Dave81

    Compute prices should fall

    Moore’s law has made each generation of tech less expensive than the previous for the same unit of work/functionality. The cloud ought to follow the same trend. If not then there’s a serious flaw in that model.

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