back to article Intel shows off 8-core, 528-thread processor with 1TB/s of co-packaged optics

Intel has used this week’s Hot Chips conference in California to show off a 528-thread processor with 1TB/s silicon photonics interconnects that's designed to chew the largest analytics workloads, while sipping power. For those hoping for a hyper-parallelized Xeon, this isn't that. The chip isn't even x86 based. Instead, it …

  1. aerogems Silver badge

    Will they be cooking bacon on the heatsink?

    While they play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon that is. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed that El Reg didn't ask these important... ahem... burning questions!

    1. Korev Silver badge

      Re: Will they be cooking bacon on the heatsink?

      Oh do keep up... The Reg of old covered bacon years ago...

      One for Lester Haines -->

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Numbers too big, commentard resorts to picking at the use of English

    > According to Intel, a 16-sled configuration would handle 8TB of memory, 2,048 cores, 135,168 threads

    And presumably not some "simple" SIMD threads but genuine, full-fat, each going at it alone threads (that is, although probably many running the same code, not in absolute lockstep with each other).

    That is an impressive number of threads. Therefore, to prevent a total meltdown into geek inadequacy:

    > "If people want to give us money, we are more than welcome to build these things out."

    Welcome? Did he not mean to say that "we are more than happy to build these things"? Although he could just be reporting that TSMC said they would be welcome back to have another run with this design.


    Shame about the problems with the fibre connects - guessing at that scale you don't get much flex out of them. The mechanical requirements for making devices like this are boggling! Ignore the jibe about English, this is all just - wow!

  3. Peter Gathercole Silver badge

    Nothing new.

    Although it was on separate silicon, IBM had used on-silicon photonics in HPC systems some years ago.

    The (failed) IBM Blue Waters PERCS system architecture, which was actually successfully rolled out to a number of organisations such as the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF), UK Met Office, Environment Canada and a small number of other companies and organisations (as well as a number of US government agencies) as the Power7 775 system, put a communication hub chip called Torrent onto the Power processor bus as a peer co-processor. This provided additional processing units to help with Data Reduction for RDMA, and a significant number of optical links (IIRC it was 32 multi lane links per Torrent chip, along with 32 copper links to other torrent chips in the same drawer), which were used to create a low-latency very high bandwidth mesh network which again if I remember correctly had a bandwidth of 16Tb/s (It was prominently labelled as the Terra-bit network on the optical backplane that linked the nodes into Supernnodes).

    The drivers were added to AIX, and you can still see evidence of it in the HFI network types, although with the Power processor dropping the Power processor bus at Power8 in preference to PCIe direct on the processor, I don't think we'll see the same technology from IBM used again.

    It's not quite the same scale as this Intel silicon, but you have to remember that this was designed over a decade ago!

    1. aerogems Silver badge

      Re: Nothing new.

      I feel old for saying this, but I remember seeing some big headline on a PC rag once upon a time saying how you may never see the busy cursor again with Intel's new 133MHz Pentium chip. Of course at the time, DEC had been selling Alpha chips running at around 500MHz for some time. Virtually anything Intel and AMD do in the x86 space has already been done for like a decade-plus in other areas. ARM had its big.LITTLE design long before Intel came up with P and E cores, and it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that someone else came up with the concept of multi-core CPUs long before AMD started selling the first dual-core x86 CPUs.

      1. Bitsminer Silver badge

        ...someone else came up with the concept of multi-core CPUs ...


        The System 360/67 was available in single- and dual processor ("duplex") versions. It was announced in 1965, with Michigan Terminal System (MTS) supporting virtual memory and dual processing available in 1968.

        I remember using MTS in the mid-1970s. It was something of a mystery to us students how one machine could support so many 3720s (and other terminals) all at the same time. Amazing stuff for it's day.

        1. aerogems Silver badge

          Re: ...someone else came up with the concept of multi-core CPUs ...

          That's SMP, not dual-core. Though I suppose one could say that IBM was doing SMP long before Intel or AMD were even founded, never mind putting out mobos that supported SMP.

  4. Korev Silver badge


    The old Cray XMTs had a huge number or threads and a tonne of memory in a single image and were designed for graph analytics. Even before the HPE takeover they were canned, I wonder if Intel will find the market for these isn't really there.

  5. Potemkine! Silver badge

    528 threads? 528 is a rare number in IT.

    1. Alex Stuart

      I imagine there'll be areas of the CPUs switched off due to yield issues, the same as we see with GPUs (AMD may have been the first to do this with their 3-core parts in the late noughties IIRC) resulting in odd core counts.

      1. Ze

        It's actually not due to areas being switched off but rather because we have 8 core complex's composed of 6 cores with 2 cores being single threaded and the other 4 cores being 16 threaded so we get 66 threads per core complex. So we end up with 8×(2+4×16) = 528 threads, or 16 threads on 16 ST cores and 512 threads on 32 MT (16 thread) cores.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Is there anyone other than TSMC

    Who actually know how to make stuff ?

  7. luis river

    Good Pat, pal.

    But AMD director Lisa Su and their team, without subsidice help, make great work. Congratulations Sunnyvale Corp.!!

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As long as it isn’t China it’s a fair game

    “That US military initiative seeks to develop a graph analytics processor capable of churning through streaming data 100 times faster than conventional compute architectures”

    This initiative screams “surveillance” from all perspectives, but as long as it is our friendly US govt rather China it’s all hunky dory.

    1. luis river

      Re: As long as it isn’t China it’s a fair game

      Yes, truly game...but why Intel it is company focus of América R&D principal initiatives...V.G. Hewlett Packard Enterprise it had advance program on Photonics, but uncle Sam seem dont very interested

      Why ?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Could it be ...

    the return of the Transputer?

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