Re: Do you remember?
"Why would anyone actually want one of those addresses?"
As an alumnus, I maintain a couple of "free"[0] email addresses from a couple of Unis. Both are around 45 years old, and both are included in research papers that I helped author way back when. I get a couple dozen legit[1] emails per year between them, mostly from kids currently studying in that field ... but occasionally I get a note from someone that I knew way back when who managed to track me down through an old research paper. Both examples are sensible reasons to maintain them, IMO.
No, I don't manually check those mailboxes daily ... I have a cron job that checks 'em twice per week.
[0] In quotes, because those schools received a LOT of money from me ... Not just in tuition, but in research grants & etc.
[1] No spam. I installed the filters decades ago, and trained the generations of admins since then.