Re: Swings and roundabouts
> Many trunk outages caused by (what the fault reports said were) squirrels.
There was a site tracking and mapping squirrel-caused power outages. He gave up-- there's just too many of them.
Between squirrels, diggers, over-tall delivery vehicles, and utility neglect, hackers are like the least threat to our wires.
In coastal Maine, and I see in Nova Scotia, underground wires just are not done. Here the underlying granite runs from 2 feet down to sticking-out. There's generally no good cover, not enough wealth to do rock-saws or explosives. The power lines are fairly neat, but the third fourth over-build of communication cables is approaching the snarl seen in this article.
And yeah: sometimes the power company puts up new poles across the street for better reliability, and does not tell the telephone company, or telco doesn't want to touch 80 year old lines (I'm sure our Bay Road line predates WWII, and is paper-wrap). When the latest fiber came to our house, first thing the guy did was hammer-smack our pole listening for rot.