Taiwanese infosec researchers challenge Microsoft's China espionage finding
Taiwan-based infosec consultancy Team T5 has disputed Microsoft's alleged timeline of just when a Beijing-linked attack group named Flax Typhoon commenced its campaigns. Microsoft last week asserted that Flax Typhoon gains and maintains long-term access to Taiwanese targets without heavy reliance on malware. Instead, the group …
Monday 28th August 2023 07:36 GMT amanfromMars 1
Exciting? Yes. An existential threat? Probably. An otherworldly treat? Definitely.
Something able to be effective opposed? Never.
And do you think cryptocurrencies and Artificial Intelligence worry themselves about the concerns of the likes of India's prime minister Narendra Modi and established pervasive and profoundly disruptive and subversive sectors/agencies/federations/coalitions/cabals/oligarchies/republics/demonocracies, and are not themselves able to enable their successful leading stealthy integration heralding and assisting Alien Interventions' Virulent Remote Virtual Progress?
Methinks systemic ignorance and institutional hubris in service of unpleasant hidden self-serving private agendas would be desperately trying increasingly unsuccessfully to deny you both the knowledge and the physical benefits available for practically free virtualised delivery with acceptance of such integrations and interventions.
Monday 28th August 2023 12:24 GMT amanfromMars 1
Re: Exciting? Yes. An existential threat? Probably. An otherworldly treat? Definitely.
Your babble is incomprehensible to me. ..... sitta_europea
One imagines exactly the same could be just as easily said, by any not themselves active and well experienced in an extremely sensitive and delicate field, of the babble between neurosurgeons, sitta_europea. It is similarly nothing to be overly worried about, addressed as it is to a very specific audience cruising for and commenting on Advanced IntelAIgent Matters that really virtually do lay claim to matter with particular and peculiar regard to the shape and size, and nature and direction of the future, on El Reg ........ for further clearly transparent peer-review to aid and abet ITs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Activities with both Rich Future and Future Rich Quantum Communications Entangling Events ...... where and when a this, is also a that, and if travelling together able to be something else altogether quite fundamentally different and metamorphic ...... one of those enigmatic, unknown unknown you may know of, but know nothing of.
"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know." .... Donald Rumsfeld ... Enjoy :-) ...https://www.liveabout.com/donald-rumsfeld-quotes-2733514
Tuesday 29th August 2023 00:51 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Exciting? Yes. An existential threat? Probably. An otherworldly treat? Definitely.
@sitta_europea: “Your babble is incomprehensible to me.”
ChatGPT: The text exhibits several features that could be associated with certain psychological conditions, particularly in terms of its style, content, and themes. The convoluted language and intricate ideas could be indicative of disorganized thinking, a hallmark of conditions such as schizophrenia or schizotypal personality disorder. The author's seemingly excessive concern with hidden meanings, subversive elements, and elaborate integrations might also reflect a tendency towards paranoid ideation.
The repeated reference to "Alien Interventions' Virulent Remote Virtual Progress" and the suggestion of powerful entities working covertly align with the characteristics often seen in individuals who subscribe to grandiose conspiracy theories. This could suggest a possible connection to a schizotypal or paranoid personality structure.
Tuesday 29th August 2023 05:59 GMT amanfromMars 1
Re: Exciting? Yes. An existential threat? Probably. An otherworldly treat? Definitely. @t245t
Meanwhile, t245t, around the Round Tables of Mad Hatters’ Tea Parties, does the conversation revolve around the rapid decline of humankind with the arrival of AI in its many phorms and iterations/shapes and disguises, for there is much to try to learn about that which is still practically, virtually unknown down on Earth, for something else to consider more than just equally as likely is ....
The text exhibits several features that could be associated with ..... The convoluted language and intricate ideas could be indicative of ...... The author's seemingly excessive concern with hidden meanings, subversive elements, and elaborate integrations might also reflect .... This could suggest a possible connection ...
.... is also very possibly and surely then also quite probably Advanced Postmodern ChatGPT like, beta test linking Virtual Machines and Large Language Modelling Programs with quantum communication nodes to/for/with leading AI things yet to come.
Do you know what's been cooking/evolving down deep in the vaults of the likes of Google OpenAI and Generative AI labs/fabs and at an incredible pace which has taken all humanity by incredulous surprise and terrible irrational fear? Do they know what is unleashed and/or landed to run riot and lay waste with CHAOS and Havoc, Madness and Mayhem, and how everything will eventually pan out?
Monday 28th August 2023 07:38 GMT IGotOut
...one of the uses of "AI" is replacing call centre staff (it's already happening in India).
So maybe a bit of self interest perhaps? Never saw him complaining about the loss of jobs when they were going their way.
On a serious note, it is a real issue. I'm fine, my job cannot be replaced, but so many can, and as the last massive labour shift (the industrial revolution) took around a hundred years or so for the benefits to filter down to the plebs, laws not on job protection (because it'll happen regardless), but on how to support those that lose their jobs, should be thought of.
Monday 28th August 2023 11:02 GMT Giles C
Toshiba helps Vanuatu to see the light
Japanese tech conglomerate Toshiba launched an LED lantern sharing service trial in the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu last Tuesday.
The trial, which will end in September, involves renting solar charged LED lanterns to residents of , an area in Vanuatu that does not have access to power. The residents will use an app to manage loans and returns of the lanterns.
Am I missing something here, the area does not have power but the lanterns will be booked using an app (presumably off a phone) if they don’t have power to run the lights where are they getting power for the phones from? I suppose it could be solar cells or generators but who knows…l