back to article Tornado Cash 'laundered over $1B' in criminal crypto-coins

Two founders of Tornado Cash were formally accused by US prosecutors today of laundering more than $1 billion in criminal proceeds through their cryptocurrency mixer. As well as unsealing an indictment against the pair on Wednesday, the Feds also arrested one of them, 34-year-old Roman Storm, in his home state of Washington, …

  1. Merchman

    There's a pattern emerging

    Weird how all these crypto guys seem to be crooks and grifters.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: There's a pattern emerging

      Please post screenshots (without details redacted) of all your bank accounts and start writing your personal details (name, DoB, address) along with what you're spending the money on, on all cash at the point of purchase.

      Refusal will demonstrate that you have something to hide.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: There's a pattern emerging

        why do you want his banking info? that's what thieves and scammers want!!!.

        what are YOU trying to hide? are you a crook or grifter?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: There's a pattern emerging

          Are you suggesting that the government isn't capable of stopping all crime with its increasingly draconian laws?

      2. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Re: There's a pattern emerging

        There's a cryptidiot in every crowd.

    2. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: There's a pattern emerging

      I've tried to envision a scenario where I would need to do transactions using crypto over using cash. Anything expensive such as a car isn't going to be anonymous since a car needs to be registered. A home/property has a government tracked title. The only thing I can come up where using crypto is advantageous is when the transaction is dodgy or for something illegal and that's not a need of mine.

      I do use cash most of the time to stay off lists and to limit the data that can be derived about me, but I do use electronic payments for things such as utilities and tax payments that are tracked regardless of how I pay.

      If I get into contraband drugs or trading in arms, I'll look into it.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: There's a pattern emerging

        I take it you also can't imagine that you or anyone you ever want to support or do business with ever living under an unjust government?

      2. Mockup1974

        Re: There's a pattern emerging

        >I do use cash most of the time to stay off lists and to limit the data that can be derived about me

        So what problem do you have with digital cash such as Monero then? (Tornado Cash just seems to be a technology to achieve the same with Bitcoin)

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: There's a pattern emerging

          err monero is just another crypto scam coin, what the fuck are you on about.

          they and tornado are designed to scam and help scammers and crooks same as bitcoin.

        2. MachDiamond Silver badge

          Re: There's a pattern emerging

          "So what problem do you have with digital cash such as Monero then?"

          Governments have already found ways to track anything using BlockChain since the technology records where the Coin has been. You could use a mixer, but those companies are increasingly getting busted, it costs money and some of them turn out to be scams where you lose your Coin.

          I can go into a grocery store, fill my cart and pay up at the till with no electronic interaction with the store or their third party payment processor. This means that a list of my purchases isn't tied to my online file somewhere. I don't use rewards cards either as they don't reward me, but the issuer.

          The last time I went to BevMo to buy some libations, they wanted to scan my ID. I asked the cashier to clarify that she wanted my physical driver license to run through a scanner and the answer was "yes". I declined and simply left leaving all the things I was going to purchase at the register. I am and look plenty old enough to purchase alcohol. I do know that some stores required their cashiers to check ID's regardless and they do for show, but this was more invasive. The last thing I'd ever do is report any purchase of alcohol, tobacco, firearms/knives, etc. Even my kitchen knives were paid with cash. I bought a really fancy set at an estate sale for chump change. I don't think the seller knew it would have been hundreds to buy them in a shop. Score!

      3. unimaginative

        Re: There's a pattern emerging

        An online service might be a case for it. For example if you want to run a website anonymously you need an anonymous way to pay for the hosting.

  2. Mockup1974

    Jailed for writing a computer program that *could* be used for illegal stuff. With the same logic, torrent programs should be illegal and their devs in jail, or what about text editors because you can use them to write bomb making instructions or sow doubts about the holocaust. Same logic.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      jailed for writing a program designed to help illegal shit, there is no legitimate purpose for tornado

    2. phuzz Silver badge

      He's not been jailed for anything, he's awaiting trial and he's being charged with deliberately writing code, specifically to launder money, knowing full well that it would be used for illegal purposes. His lawyers say that he had no idea that it was going to be used for money laundering.

      I don't know exactly how the Dutch legal system works, but I assume the prosecution will have to prove he intended to use the code for money laundering 'beyond reasonable doubt', and if they're taking it to court they presumably believe they have enough evidence to do so.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    This crypto crapto shit-storm is done by now!

    Anyone still in the game, IS the game.

  4. Cosmos coin

    If the process is too good to be true, it’s probably a phony crypto recovery expert. I have been scammed by so many recovery companies, and I can tell, it’s almost not possible to recover stolen or crypto sent to the wrong address. It’s rare to find a legit recovery company without getting scammed believe it or not. I’m saying from experience and I can tell you Recovering Atusa. com is reliable, not 100% but will never leave you stranded

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