Re: There are a lot of problems with this
That depends. I found several powershell cmdlets with limits or bugged behaviour, so I had to implement what I needed on my own.
Remove-Item -Recurse is well known to be broken, that is easy.
Get-ADGroupMember is broken when you have a group with members from across trusts (aka interforest) - it just throws an error. So i had to program on my own, including -recurse, to crawl all trusts and forests to get more than just a SID, verified from whichever domain-controller is responsible since the /ForeignSecurityPrincipals pseudo OU in the customer AD was filled with bad entries.
Get-ChildItem -recurse on a large directly takes too much RAM (> 5 GB, but I saw > 16 GB too), so I had to dig out my old C16 (with 12k of memory) knowledge to recurse in a style which does NOT need that much RAM.
According to MS documentation you cannot set the "set explicit view permissions on the DFS folder" option on a DFS-N folder-link in powershell - but I needed it for a larger DFS-N which several thousand links across over a hundred namespaces, so it had to be done in powershell (for my pride, to prevent errors with wrong clicks, and to save time). In the end it was easier than expected once I found the way.
All those examples still in powershell 5.1, since that is available everywhere from Server 2008 R2 to Server 2022. And without external modules from, for example powershell gallery, since the customer is paranoid about that due to bad experiences. I rarely have to go down to PS 3.0 or 2.0, and I don't like to since long paths are not well supported there and a few other things are missing or more cumbersome.
OK, enough bragging with my bit of powerhsell knowledge. There is more I could brag about, but there are a SO many people out there which know powershell way deeper than I do and on whose knowledge I built upon to break the limit of what is supplied directly. Like the solutions in above's examples - which cannot be found on Stackexchange and the like, except you may find a post from me here and there. So others see me as a professional and they clearly tell me, but I see myself on the way to be a pro in powershell since I see how tall the mountain actually is.