10G network
Oh I've got that beat... Mediacom cable (I mean "Xtreme" internet..) has been advertising their "10G" network for about a year. Knowing that there's no 10G wireless or wired spec, I thought maybe the marketers made a mistake meant 10gbps network. Nope, their highest plan is 1gbps.
What the hell is a 10G network you may ask? Total vaporware. CableLabs decided to use the term "10G" to refer to their plans to eventually, at some point in the future, provide some speed approaching 10gbps through future DOCSIS (cable modem standard) versions, future hardware for the cable headend to provide that much speed to begin with, and future hardware to cram into the cable modem so the customer can actually get that much speed. None of which exists now.
Mediacom of course doesn't mention any of this in the ads, but on their website they reveal "10G" is their plan to, over several years, put in more cable nodes (less users on each piece of cable); roll out DOCSIS 4.0 (once hardware to do that with actually exists, which it doesn't now); and do a "split" where they use a wider band of frequencies for uploads so they can have higher upload speeds. I must admit, this is a fair enough plan for them to do. Just don't like how it's being advertised.
There's no equivalent to the ASA here in the US! Can you imagine a company in UK saying "check out our 6G network!!!" Then a section on the company's web site noting network is actually 4G and 5G, it'll be 6G at some point in the future once 6G specs come out and they roll them out.