"difficult to implement on today's error-prone machines"
Ho hoo, burn ! Is that why Azure is always falling over ? I thought it was good old fat-fingered misconfiguration.
I wonder what Intel thinks of that description, especially when selling its Xeon Platinum 8280L beasts at almost $37,000.
Or AMD, with its massive €8,700 Threadripper.
Or nVidia, with its $30K A100 supercomputing monster.
There are a lot of people making a ton of money on those error-prone machines. And I don't see that they are all that error-prone. Yes, there's the occasional unexplainable crash every now and then, and yes, Borkzilla has trained us well in the three-fingered salute to recover from Windows bluescreens, but Excel tables are generally quite reliable (when humans have written the right formulas), and CPUs don't generally fish data from the wrong memory cell.
So I think error-prone is a bit of an exaggeration.
Just a bit.