back to article Infosys launches 'sonic identity' – an aural logo to 'reinforce brand purpose'

Indian tech services giant Infosys has launched a "sonic identity" that The Register's irregular marketing column Logo Watch feels compelled to cover because the outfit has described it as the "auditory equivalent of its blue visual identity and logo." The sonic identity is expressed as a three-second sting that bears more …

  1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    And what is that smell?

    Ah yes, bullshit.

    1. David 132 Silver badge

      Re: And what is that smell?

      Also patchouli and joss-sticks; the “nasal identity” of brand marketing wankery.

  2. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    Like most modern music...

    Non-offensive, generic, easy-listening pap.

    The audio equivalent of books found at most airport and train station outlets.

    1. MarthaFarqhar

      Re: Like most modern music...

      Elevator muzak, for marketing types. Somebody probably got a promotion and a higher floor office for this utter pap.

      This is evidence that Golgafrincham is not fiction, and that Douglas Adams was pointing out what was happening.

      1. TimMaher Silver badge

        Re: Elevator music.

        Then a Frogstar scout turned up.

  3. abend0c4 Silver badge

    Brand assets

    Perhaps a brief "sting" could precede each of Rishi's answers at PMQs? Or is he not considered an asset?

    1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Brand assets

      His phone would probably be set to play this tune when his wife or in-laws call

  4. Stumpy

    Bollocks like this really really makes me want to vomit.

  5. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    A good reason to keep speakers muted. If only all marketing cobblers could be dealt with so easily.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge


      An "auditory reinforcement of our unique brand identity" ?

      Sorry, no. My work PC is muted.

      Don't bother trying better.

  6. anthonyhegedus Silver badge

    What a load of insidious drivel

    Every single phrase uttered by the infosys marketing team, president and VP is utter bollocks. It makes me glad I left the corporate world to do my own thing. I don't have to put up with this total tummy-rubbish.

    "sonic identity is needed because stakeholders now spend more time interacting with brands through digital channels, and those channels are getting crowded" - yep, corporate-speak bollocks.

    "to amplify human potential and create the next opportunity for people, businesses and communities' – when stakeholders interact with the brand." - word salad, with manure dressing

    "The Infosys tune will serve as an auditory reinforcement of our unique brand identity" - marketing drivel

    "help deepen the emotional connection our stakeholders have with Infosys by cueing in the promise of opportunity creation that is integral to our brand purpose." - WOW! That is the verbal equivalent of sauteed goat vomit.

    "We aspire for the sound of Infosys to signal and be recognized as the sound of opportunity for all our stakeholders, across markets," - the sound of souls dying in agony

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      after 30 seconds I was half-expecting:

      Never gonna give you up!

      Never gonna let you down.

      Never gonna...

      [that's enough torture - Ed]

      1. M.V. Lipvig Silver badge

        Re: after 30 seconds I was half-expecting:

        I may be an outlier here, but I always liked that song.

  7. OhForF' Silver badge

    Sound jingle

    When my company decided to pay for a radio commercial we were asked if we already had a "sound jingle" to use so having a kind of aural logo isn't really all that novel but a standard marketing practice.

    1. that one in the corner Silver badge

      Re: Sound jingle

      Ah, but you have missed the genius of the Infosys sound.

      I bet that, if you heard it now, you would be able to identify your company's jingle very quickly. As you should be able to with any decent ident: "Bing Bong - Avon Calling", or the Intel Irritant.

      But this noise? It does have a repeat on the piano, which you might learn to recognise, but it is buried until around the 29 second mark! Which is well after the point you've got bored by the plinky: I subjected myself to the tune thrice[1] before I actually noticed that tag, as I'd tuned out by then.

      [1] I was checking[2] before slagging the tune off as having absolutely nothing recognisable in it

      [2] due diligence can really take its toll on your soul, gimme some rock'n'roll to heal this troll

  8. that one in the corner Silver badge

    Next week: scratch'n'sniff for the Cisco Corporate Smell

    "As you run your hand over the richly textured router shell and release the gentle aroma of our signature perfume 'PacketLoss'"

    Or the haptic approach:

    "Open the magnesium allow laptop and feel the Tingle of Excitement, tuned to Your Environment" (aka our power supply has a dodgy connection and you get a 50Hz buzz in the UK or a 60Hz in the US).

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Next week: scratch'n'sniff for the Cisco Corporate Smell

      iSmell Steve Jobs' farts

      But I'm not sure the world is ready for the wafting aroma of Oracle...

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: Next week: scratch'n'sniff for the Cisco Corporate Smell

        Unlike Jobs' emissions, as Ellison is still with us, it is still possible to sample his exhaust tune as it were. Then captive Oracle licencees can be given the full treatment till they caugh up more in fees

  9. 43300 Silver badge

    "The Infosys tune will serve as an auditory reinforcement of our unique brand identity," he marketed. It will also "help deepen the emotional connection our stakeholders have with Infosys by cueing in the promise of opportunity creation that is integral to our brand purpose."

    "We aspire for the sound of Infosys to signal and be recognized as the sound of opportunity for all our stakeholders, across markets," he added."

    What a complete load of fucking horseshit!

  10. Bebu

    Please wait while we place your life on hold...

    Reminded me of nothing more inspirational the the rubbish muzak loops that "customer service" or "help" lines play while you are waiting for the next available clueless clot.

    Complete waste of time as after watching the whole clip I couldn't tell what it was about. Probably wasn't preparation H but I could be wrong.

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Please wait while we place your life on hold...

      Yeah, I was skipping through to find the short catchy few notes that was their "identity" before I realised it was the full, entire and hugely overlong thing! I was expecting something like, as mentioned, the Intel Inside thing or the Dolby sound ident.

  11. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    Notes from a marketing meeting

    Sack the writer! That music was far too interesting. We need something far blander.

    What? Blander than Moby? I'm not sure that's possible sir! I'm worried that if we make the tune any less interesting we risk causing massive brain damage.

    That's OK. We can test it to make sure it's safe. week later...

    Sir. We test new audio logo thingymajig on marketing department. Dey don't seem no stupider than dey was last week.

    Cool! Then we're got for launchification on the new audio strategolio! Hit it daddio!

  12. heyrick Silver badge

    The thing is, if everybody is going to jump on the "let's make annoying noises" bandwagon, these annoying noises are going to have to be unique and distinctive, so one doesn't risk confusion between, say Infosys and Intel. Easily done.

    Therefore, might I suggest that the sound of a flushing toilet would be a more appropriate, and unique, aural cue?

  13. Munehaus

    Ernest Fiddler

    This man is Ernest Fiddler... writer of tunes. A few moments ago he wrote the funniest tune in the world... and, as a consequence, his company will die ... laughing.

    1. Giles C Silver badge

      Re: Ernest Fiddler

      Follow that thread and you end up with jingle warfare….

      And nobody wants that - well apart from sellers of ear defenders

      1. that one in the corner Silver badge

        Re: Ernest Fiddler

        > jingle warfare

        With the session gorilla from Cadbury's "In the Air Tonight"

  14. This post has been deleted by its author

  15. Tron Silver badge

    How much did they waste on that?

    If I was a shareholder, I'd expect that to come out of the CEO's pocket before he was fired, along with everyone who signed off on it.

  16. Mike 137 Silver badge

    Missed the ship?

    Someone obviously turned up too late to board Golgafrinchan Arkship B

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Missed the ship?

      If you had read the original story, you'd know that the Golgafrinchan Arkship B crashed on Earth, thus destroying the computer program the Earth was built to run and the survivors outcompeted and extictionised the local inhabitants resulting in us being the descendants of said Golgafrinchans.

  17. smudge

    Reminds me of....

    ...Pop Goes The Weasel.

  18. Sudosu Bronze badge

    They nailed it!

    The sound of underpaid and over billed labour.

  19. Johnb89

    One is reminded of the London Olympic logo

    The London Olympic logo was a bit awful, but totally less so after it was explained that it was a moving gif (it more less jiggled in place), not meant to be view statically. That is, the billion times it was printed on things wasn't how it was meant to be viewed. So that's why you think its ugly, they explained.

    Proving that just because you CAN add other aspects of multimedia to a thing, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

    (And not at all mentioning that what it really looked like was Lisa Simpson performing a sexual act on a seated person-with-a-penis)

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