World War 3 ..... but not as we imagined it would be !!!
"Biting off more than we can chew"
directly relates to the 1st comments quote:
"Politicians today do not plan ahead."
The US/UK have been lumbered with govts that do not plan ahead for some time. !!!
Sound bites and Posturing is *much* cheaper and requires much less effort to work out what the *plan* will be !!!
Putin is hoping that the alliance of the EU/UK/US will eventually founder on the rocks of 'division & self-interest' particularly when the monetary costs keeps going up and up !!!
Throw in the deliberate encouragement of a 'inconvenient' local coup in Africa to spread the global disorder and impact the 'wests' efforts to calm the political risks in Africa and we have fun fun fun for all !!!
Putin has no regard for anyone but himself, he will throw his own people on the pyre if needed.
So throwing a few hundred thousand people in Africa into a pointless war, which will be seen as much against the west and its influence in Africa as against whichever side is supported the coup in Niger.
Putin is really one of the devils greatest creations, perhaps he wants to be on the same scoreboard as Stalin, Hitler et al
[Not enough dead people yet !!! .... give him time though !!!]