back to article Old-school hacktivism is back because it never went away

Hacktivism may have dropped off of organization radars over the past few years, but it is now very visibly coming from what is believed to be Bangladesh, thanks to a group tracked by cybersecurity firm Group-IB. Mysterious Team Bangladesh (MTB) first appeared in 2020, but didn't really get going until mid-2022. The bulk of its …

  1. Insert sadsack pun here

    "India in particular has been the subject of MTB attacks. The subcontinent was first hit in June 2022 followed by at least four sub-campaigns."

    India is not a subcontinent. It is one of the 7 countries on the Indian Subcontinent (and Bangladesh is one of the other ones).

  2. jake Silver badge

    DDoS is not "hactivism".

    DDoS is vandalism.

    The perps are not "hackers", they are script kiddies using stolen tools that they don't fully understand.

    1. doublelayer Silver badge

      Re: DDoS is not "hactivism".

      From DDOS attacks that have happened in the past, the people using those tools do appear to understand what those tools do and, in at least some cases, how they do it. I do question how useful intermittent DDOS attacks are at achieving any goals, but it is incorrect to say that they're using tools they don't understand; they probably don't know enough to do something more advanced, but they're aware of their intent and actions.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: DDoS is not "hactivism".

        I didn't say they didn't know what they were doing, I said they don't fully understand the tools.

        Any dumb-ass can break all the store-front windows on Main Street using a 22oz framing hammer, but that doesn't mean he knows how to frame a house, nor does it make him a carpenter.

        1. doublelayer Silver badge

          Re: DDoS is not "hactivism".

          The tools they're using are intended to DDOS, and they're using them for that purpose. In your analogy, what they have is a hammer that's only designed for smashing stuff, I'm imagining one with an uneven head so any attempt to pound in a nail would just gouge the surface the nail's going into. That's what they want to do.

          Also, it's an assumption on your part. I know how networks work and, although I've never done it before, I know how to start a DDOS attack. Therefore, it is possible for them to have the same knowledge. What's more, they probably are better at operating such an attack than I would be at first; I understand the technology that needs to be in place, but I don't know the marketplaces for bots to use during the attack, nor have I set up the proxies to hide behind. If I turned to DDOS attacking, I'd have to do some work to get to the point they're in now. So you may not be correct about their level of knowledge, even though as I said it's unlikely they have more advanced skills given their weak attempts at taking action.

  3. TimMaher Silver badge

    Stupid name.

    “Mysterious Team Bangladesh”.

    They could have got more inventive.... like “Bangalore Torpedo” or something.

    1. TimMaher Silver badge

      Re: Stupid name.

      Actually, now I think about it.... Bangalore is too far away. How’s about “Bengal Tigers”?

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