"some police forces do see this national system as a viable alternative to procuring their own retrospective facial recognition systems"
Well of course they do. The fact that facial recog has been demonstrated as not efficient enough for actual security does not bother them. What they want is a system that can tell them when to hurl themselves onto someone, cuff him and drag him away for questioning. The fact that there is a non-negligeable chance that said questioning could reveal that the system was wrong and they are guilty of abusing their powers is not a problem - it's all a days' work.
Oh, and it's also interesting to note that none of them are for a minute thinking that not having a facial recog system is an option. No. They're all going to have one, so yes, it figures that a national system is much better.
The Police State is something we are all just easing into without a second thought.
How wonderful ?