back to article Twitter sues Brit non-profit, claims hate-speech reports scared off advertisers

Twitter, lately known as X Corp, is suing the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) for allegedly harming its advertising business by documenting vitriol on the social network. The lawsuit [PDF] was filed on Monday in federal court in San Francisco. It alleges CCDH – a UK-based non-profit – and its US-based office in …

  1. anthonyhegedus Silver badge

    Arrogant Muskrat

    Elongated Muskrat thinks that his oh-so-important "first amendment rules" on free speech apply to the rest of the world. Luckily, in the UK, free speech is limited by rules on hate. And too right, they want to put people off twitter: that's the whole point. Musk lets all the right-wing nutjobs have their say and yes of course it's going to put advertisers off. He hasn't got a fucking clue what he's up against, the pot-infused narcisist.

    1. martinusher Silver badge

      Re: Arrogant Muskrat

      Actually, I think he does have a clue as to what he's up against. We used to know it as fascism, a totalitarian ideology that seeks to control how people think and act that's characterized by mob rule masquerading as populism.

      FYI -- I'm not a Twitter/X user, I don't own any shares in Musk related businesses and so on. I'm just an observer but what I see isn't pretty. Fortunately I live in the US where our libel laws are a bit more flexible than those in the UK ("First Amendment" is for government). I do like free speech even though the price we pay for it is that we have to wade through all sorts of BS, a lot of it not very savory (but at least we don't have to put up with the police ticketing us for 'hate speech' due to some he said/she said spurious allegation).

      1. Ace2 Silver badge

        Re: Arrogant Muskrat

        So you think Twitler is fighting *against* fascism? Might want to look out the window a bit more, buddy.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Arrogant Muskrat

          Odd how this seemed to happen after people with a certain political leaning moved from twitter to mastodon.

          1. YetAnotherLocksmith

            Re: Arrogant Muskrat

            I've literally never seen a single thing that I would consider actionable on Mastadon under UK law. But Twitter? Holy shit. Porn, hate speech, racism... And it gets promoted to the top of your feed because they paid for Bluetick! And the weird stuff too - I looked at one female tech entrepreneur's feed, and got served, second tweet down, with an advert offering to buy feet pictures, from @feet_whisperer! Yes, Coke, Unilever, etc are all desperate to be next to that weirdness, I'm sure...

            As I said on Mastadon when this news came out, discovery is going to be a bitch, elno!

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Arrogant Muskrat

              Hmm.. never seen any of that on Twitter. Maybe your anecdotal evidence is fase?

          2. localzuk

            Re: Arrogant Muskrat

            Mastodon is not a platform. It is a federation of servers linked by a protocol.

            Good servers block bad servers. So, "normal" Mastodon. The kind of experience you would get as a user signing up to a "normal" server? You won't see CSAM or the like. Any server that allows such things would be defederated immediately.

            But, you could join a dodgy server, and see the content it hosts and any other dodgy servers it federates with.

            So, declaring the software "Mastodon" as being rife with CSAM is misguided at best, just plain nonsense at worst.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Arrogant Muskrat

              The WaPo was only reporting what they had been given, supposedly that is how news works now. So it must be true and factual.

              1. localzuk

                Re: Arrogant Muskrat

                Sure, I wasn't blaming WaPo for their reporting, but the AC post making it seem like "Mastodon" is a single platform...

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Arrogant Muskrat

          No, he is saying you are fascist, the left

          Disagreeing with someone is not hate speech

          Having an opinion is not hate speech

          Hate speech is, attacking someone for their appearance, sexuality, allegiance, membership, opposing views, etc

          Instead of telling someone they cannot say a) b) or c), try instead and ask with the aim of understanding why someone said something you disagreed with

          You’re welcome

          1. Naich

            Re: Arrogant Muskrat

            Of course it's possible to dress hate speech up as disagreement or opinion. Your kind know that and we fought against them twice. See what I did there? See what I called you, without actually saying it?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Arrogant Muskrat

              It is possible to dress many things up as things they are not. Still doesn't make them that thing.

          2. Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

            Re: Arrogant Muskrat

            The problem with hate speech is it is, as with beauty, in the eye of the beholder.

            As someone once said "hate speech is free speech".

            Where the real hate speech is, is in places like MSNBC here in the US. Which runs a constant stream of anti-white rhetoric that promotes violence against white people!

            1. Ace2 Silver badge

              Re: Arrogant Muskrat

              Oh Cliff, you ignorant fool. Such a sad sight to see someone fail so utterly.

        3. Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

          Re: Arrogant Muskrat

          Might want to look the actual definition of Fascism because you (and so many on the Left) have no clue what Fascism really is!

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Arrogant Muskrat

            I'd always understood that its roots were in French socialism.

            1. Ian Mason

              Re: Arrogant Muskrat

              Given that the word's roots are Latin, via Italian, the Italian Partito Nazionale Fascista, the Italian Fasci Italiani di Combattimento the Italian Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria, and the Italian Fascio Rivoluzionario d'Azione Internazionalista I think claiming a French origin might be a bit off the mark.

      2. anthonyhegedus Silver badge

        Re: Arrogant Muskrat

        Totalitarian ideology? I don't think he's up against China or North Korea or Afghanistan. Or maybe you mean the right-wing Christian extremist nightmare that is a potential USA?

      3. big_D Silver badge

        Re: Arrogant Muskrat

        Except, it is the fascists that are the main problem on Twitter, and which are driving advertisers away...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Arrogant Muskrat

          They keep threatening to go mastodon or threads but won't leave twitter alone!

          1. big_D Silver badge

            Re: Arrogant Muskrat

            It is the non-fascists that keep threatening to leave. The fascists are the ones that Musk is inviting back to the platform.

      4. Ian Johnston Silver badge

        Re: Arrogant Muskrat

        We used to know it as fascism, a totalitarian ideology that seeks to control how people think and act that's characterized by mob rule masquerading as populism.

        As JK Rowling has discovered.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Arrogant Muskrat

          How dare she stand up for women's rights!

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Arrogant Muskrat

            How dare she want to decide for herself who she accepts as a woman.

            1. Martin-73 Silver badge

              Re: Arrogant Muskrat

              Yeah because she doesn't get to DO that

      5. FatGerman

        Re: Arrogant Muskrat

        The problem with people like you seems to be that you can't tell the difference between Free Speech as in "I'm posting my opinion, no matter how wrong it is, and it's fine to disagree" and Free Speech as in "I'm posting lies but presenting them as fact and anybody who disagrees with me is a ******** ****** ****** and I'm gonna go round their house and ***** their *****".

        The first is fine. The second wouldn't be permitted in most IRL public spaces even by people like you.

        In the interests of balance, I will point out that I have seen posts matching both those descriptions from people on both sides of the political spectrum. This isn't a left vs right thing, this is a decent people vs dickheads thing.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Arrogant Muskrat

      Oh come on, it's just the popular American pastime of suing everybody and anything that disagrees with you.

      It's just that he has a lot of money, and thus can afford more fun...

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Arrogant Muskrat

        "It's just that he has a lot of money"

        Decreasingly so but he's found a workaround.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Arrogant Muskrat

      Luckily, in the UK, free speech is limited by rules on hate.

      I'm not sure that "luckily" is the word, since "hate" has been redefined to mean "failure to agree with the trendy kids".

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Arrogant Muskrat

        Agreed although change that to "trendy (mostly young) adults who have zero life experience, have a massive chip on their shoulder and think they know better than EVERYONE ELSE".

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Arrogant Muskrat

          Yes indeed. Pronouns do not seem to a be a major concern to those who actually work for a living or have utilities bills in their own names.

      2. Paul 195

        People who don't get it

        A lot of people here seem to think that "hate speech is just things the left/the wokeratir/the liberal elite" don't like. It's not. It's speech that can have unpleasant consequences in the real world for real people.

        If you are claiming that denigrating refugees as rapists and criminals, or claiming that Muslims are busy forming child grooming gangs, or any of the other evidence free abuse dished out against minorities is fine, you've probably never had a brick chucked at you because someone didn't like the look of you, or been sworn at on a bus for having the temerity to be visibly not white in public. So carry on being a proud free speech warrior, safe in the knowledge that someone else who isn't like you will be the one who bears the brunt of the hate speech you want to defend.

    4. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      Re: Arrogant Muskrat

      As often the case, parody and real-life are so close together:

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Arrogant Muskrat

      But left-wing nut jobs are ok?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sued for definition of character.

    1. Ian Mason

      OK, that got a genuine "Laugh out loud".

  3. Richard 12 Silver badge

    Twitter don't have even the start of a case, it's clearly a SLAAP.

    Though it seems fairly unlikely to get to court, as Twitter will probably have run out of money before then.

    I wonder if their lawyers are getting paid up-front?

    1. mikus

      After he's routinely stiffed most orgs that do business with Twitter for major dollars already, would you work without cash up front from him?

      Anyone of conscience has long since left left the platform and/or doing business with them, I presume it's only bottom-feeders left now, and these sorts of lawsuits expose that even more.

    2. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Twitter don't have even the start of a case, it's clearly a SLAAP.

      And he's trying it in California, which probably has the strongest anti-SLAAP laws in the US. Space Karen is differently geniused.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        SLAPP, not SLAAP. Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.

        While we're on the topic of frequently-misspelled acronyms: HIPAA, not HIPPA. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

        1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

          SLAPP, not SLAAP

          Oops. Mental crosstalk with IPv6 SLAAC.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's not free speech.

    Musk's definition of free speech appears to be "only speech I like". Which, given by the result, is apparently exactly what advertisers don't like to see, but of course it's someone else's fault.

    Do Musk and (again indicted) Trump share forefathers somewhere?

    1. Headley_Grange Silver badge

      Do Musk and (again indicted) Trump share forefathers somewhere?


      1. Bebu

        Re: Do Musk and (again indicted) Trump share forefathers somewhere?


        Thought he drowned before passing on his DNA - clearly wrong.

      2. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: Do Musk and (again indicted) Trump share forefathers somewhere?


        Can we watch in reverence while he's turned into a flower?

        A flower?

        Or should we just go to Willow Farm?

        (yes, yes, 1970's-era prog lyrics jokes *really* are funny!)

        1. Ken Shabby Bronze badge

          Re: Do Musk and (again indicted) Trump share forefathers somewhere?

          Fly away you sweet little thing they are hard on your tail

    2. werdsmith Silver badge

      Re: It's not free speech.

      He didn’t like Top Gear free speech. Tried taking BBC to court and got told to grow up by the judge.

      I’m hoping that he tries to litigate against somebody documenting bad stuff on x, the only defence required is “was this stuff really on twitter?” …. “Yes”…. “Grow up Elon”.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    ties to legacy media companies

    Yeah, damn right!

    Time to push back against the oppression of Big Printing Press!

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: ties to legacy media companies

      >Time to push back against the oppression of Big Printing Press!

      Won't somebody think of the poor Murdochs?

      1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: ties to legacy media companies

        think of the poor Murdochs?

        I doubt whether any of that clan (even the utter failures) could be considered 'poor'. They might qualify on the lower end of 'extremely rich' though.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Courts are so last month, I thought the Muskinator was taking his enemies to the mat these days? It's octagon time!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      only if mummy say's yes

  7. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Hate-speech reports scared off advertisers

    "How dare you report what's being publiclly published on my very well known freely accessible website! That stuff's secret! The advertisers would never have known what was going on if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"

    1. keithpeter Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      Re: Hate-speech reports scared off advertisers

      I would be interested if any US based commentators can explain the extent to which 'scraping' can be the cause of a civil action. I'm assuming the desired remedy is monetary compensation. Any ideas on how such compensation would be assessed?

      PS: UK criminal law regarding hate speech is well articulated through statute and case law. Please remember that the UK has had a right of centre government since around 2010 or so. Quite far to the right with a huge majority and the ability to pass any legislation it wishes to since 2019. One assumes that they are comfortable with the present arrangements.

      Icon: Rishi's off up North again

      1. Ian Mason

        Re: Hate-speech reports scared off advertisers

        Since 1979. TFTFY.

      2. Ace2 Silver badge

        Re: Hate-speech reports scared off advertisers

        FWIR, from Techdirt last week or so: scraping is generally considered legal in most of the US. It’s possible the issue hasn’t been addressed in all federal court circuits yet though. (Circuit court rulings are not binding on each other, only the Supreme Court is.)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hate-speech reports scared off advertisers

      Yes and no. If this non-profit is positioning the unpleasant stuff on this frankly huge platform disproportionately then Musk might have a point. Twitter is a cess pit in places. If you go looking for dirt, you will find it quickly. But if you go looking for positivity you can too. I don't know how the non-profit was positioning it but you'd hope it was based on statistics not anecdotes. Advertisers know that Twitter has some dark and dingy corners, and many still decide that the positives outweigh the negatives. Personally I think most of social media has gone past the point of no return and serves no positive purpose any more.

  8. Peter Prof Fox

    The bloke is clearly a bigger nutter than we thought

    He keeps amazing us with his ability to find new feet to shoot.

    After a nose-dive take-over

    And a clueless sackings policy

    And two fingers (a few times) to his main sources of revenue, the advertisers

    And a keystone-cops rebranding.

    Now he does it again.

    Coming soon to a train wreck near you:- I'm the only one allowed free speech.

    Will the banks get him to listen or have they lost all their money?

    Don't miss next weeks exciting episode, the one you'll all want to see, where Musk appoints himself ambassador to Mars.

    1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Re: Banks

      The banks lost their money when Musk started shouting that Twitter was worthless: after the banks were committed to fund the deal but before they had Twitter debt in their hands that they could sell on to greater fools. Musk spent months bad mouthing Twitter between signing the merger agreement and actually following through on his irrevocable commitment. Musk got the perceived value of Twitter debt down to 60% of its face value when he took over and has been working tirelessly to drop its value further since then.

      Musk had Twitter borrow more than he needed to buy Twitter, which left a large positive balance in Twitter's bank account. Musk has used that money to make the interest payments on Twitter's debt. Things will get interesting that money runs out.

    2. Bebu
      Big Brother

      Re: The bloke is clearly a bigger nutter than we thought

      《Don't miss next weeks exciting episode, the one you'll all want to see, where Musk appoints himself ambassador to Mars.》

      Didn't Mongo's defeated Ming the Merciless end up on Mars too?

      This musk melon is quite fruity enough to upstage Ming.

    3. Bbuckley

      Re: The bloke is clearly a bigger nutter than we thought

      So you think communist NGO hate mongers should be protected?

    4. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: The bloke is clearly a bigger nutter than we thought

      "Will the banks get him to listen or have they lost all their money?

      Don't miss next weeks exciting episode, the one you'll all want to see, where Musk appoints himself ambassador to Mars."

      Elon still needs large business banks for his other businesses. If Tesla finds it difficult to get lines of credit and loans while Elon remains in charge, the BoD may have no alternative but to sack him to protect shareholders. The same could go for The Boring Company and Neuralink. SpaceX is kept afloat through rounds of private investment, but still needs banks to mediate payments from it's Falcon launch program, the only unit making money.

      Musk declared himself the Imperator of Mars. I don't think he'd demote himself to being a mere ambassador.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

    Twitter is making millions of dollars as anti-LGBTQ+ ‘grooming’ rhetoric jumps 119% under Elon Musk”, Research.

    On their website, notice how criticism of child groom is equated with criticism of the alphabet people. It's got so bad that the actual word ‘grooming’ is forbidden on a certain forum, leading to instant account suspension. Not even the word paedophilia, it's now called Minor Attracted Persons (MAPS). An attempt to normalise kiddie fiddling. Du'ya see maps is just one varient in the rich pantheon of human sexual expression /s

    • That certain forum being one of the worst on the Internet. It's like being stuck in a movie where every character is "Haywire" from Prison Break.

    • Witness the reaction to the Sound of Freedom, “the QAnon-adjacent thriller” (Guardian). Who would go out of their way to discredit the movie and what would be their motivation?

    1. LogicGate Silver badge

      Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

      Can you rephrase your post above?

      I have read your post twice, and I still can not parse what you are trying to say.

      1. big_D Silver badge

        Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

        The tinfoil had slipped in front of his eyes.

        1. Bbuckley

          Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

          The communists obviously have provided your tin hat. Did they provide a little red book with it?

          1. big_D Silver badge

            Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

            I did go out with a Marxist once, but, no, I'm not a communist, just a good old European Socialist.

      2. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

        I have read your post twice, and I still can not parse what you are trying to say.

        I don't think they could either. It reads like something from a ChatGPT trained on Amanfrommars posts..

        1. very angry man

          Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

          ChatGPT trained on Amanfrommars posts..

          Oh i want this so bad!

          I would use it to publish English language learners books for the third world and Americans

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

      You are A Man from Mars and I claim my five pounds

      1. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

        Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

        They wish they were that coherent...

    3. YetAnotherLocksmith

      Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

      I can see why you posted that anonymously...

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: CCDH: a front for the alphabet people?

      “Twitter is making millions of dollars as anti-LGBTQ+ ‘grooming’ rhetoric jumps 119% under Elon Musk”,

      Maybe chanting 'we're coming for your children' is not a good look for certain groups.

  10. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: To be fair CCDH doesn't appear to be a reputable outfit

      They are in the same group as the ADL, SPLC, hope not hate. A bunch of grifters who make a lot of noise. You will bow down to our demands or we will get you cancelled.

  11. DS999 Silver badge

    Maximal free speech

    Unless you use that free speech to document the effect of Musk's "maximal free speech" policies.

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      Re: Maximal free speech

      Musk's "maximal free fee speech" policies

      Fixed it for you...

  12. trevorde Silver badge

    What happened next

    Musk refuses to pay lawyers

  13. The commentard formerly known as Mister_C Silver badge

    Logo watch

    The photo you have accompanying the article displays the new Xitter logo quite nicely

  14. big_D Silver badge


    As Belouis Some would sing...

    So, I just imagined the accounts with hate speech that I reported to Twitter, and that Twitter actually banned?

    Lawsuit coming in 3...2...1...

  15. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

    " It does not identify any supposed competitor that is apparently funding CCDH, rather X Corp intends to supply those names if any such parties exist and can be identified through discovery."

    That's pretty much the definition of a fishing expedition, isn't it? We don't have any evidence. But if we sue, we think we can find it.

  16. SenorCardgage

    Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

    The CCDH is not a charity, it's a lobbying outfit with a revolving door of past and future UK Labour Party advisors (of which the article makes no mention, but the author still felt the need to point out that Musk does indeed own Twitter) . Regardless of our respective political leanings, have we not seen enough "misinformation" turn out to be "information" to realize any government-affiliated censorship outfit is probably a bad thing?

    Couldn't care less if Twitter fails, but I hope they take as many "disinformation" crusaders down with them as possible. If people have no faith in the information you disseminate, that's on you, not some random dude posting about reptiles taking over the world.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

      You just need to look at the Beeb and their coverage of the Farage banking thing. Now the guy is a prat extraordinaire for sure but the Beeb, who launched their 'verify' thing a little while back, were happy to blab out unverified info without too much care.

      1. localzuk

        Re: Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

        The BBC reported based on the information they were given. That's what modern day news does.

    2. Ace2 Silver badge

      Re: Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

      “Government-affiliated”… please explain.

      Or are you just throwing muddy rocks?

      1. MachDiamond Silver badge

        Re: Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

        "Or are you just throwing muddy rocks?"

        Is there going to be rock throwing!?

        I'll take 2 points, 2 flats and a packet of gravel.

    3. David Nash

      Re: Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

      past and future UK Labour Party advisors?

      How do you know which are Future advisors?

      1. MachDiamond Silver badge

        Re: Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

        "How do you know which are Future advisors?"

        Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss.

        Most governments have installed several revolving doors on their palaces. Many of the prominent public trough feeders keep popping up in appointed positions if they lose an elected post depending on the number of skeleton filled closets they have maps for. A lower tier is as a lobbyist for a group of as a advisor for governmental affairs at a large corporation.

    4. FatGerman

      Re: Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

      According to their own website they are a non-profit organisation. Only one of the listed board members has ever had any connection with the Labour party. Maybe you see it as a revolving door for Labour advisers because it tends to be people on the left who want to fight against hate and misinformation, while people on the right are perfectly happy for death threats and lies to be spread online?

      >> If people have no faith in the information you disseminate, that's on you, not some random dude posting about reptiles taking over the world.

      I'd like to be able to agree with this part, but the problem is when random dudes start posting nonsense about vaccines being dangerous and the leads directly to thousands of children dying of preventable diseases, that's really something a decent society ought to do something about.

    5. Bbuckley

      Re: Do we really believe the CCDH are the good guys here?

      This is the real truth with all of these "NGO's". They are actually hard-communist hate-filled ministry's of "truth" that they want to force on innocent minds. Musk deserves a knighthood from ferreting them out.

  17. ChoHag Silver badge

    Free speech?

    > "Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America."

    Just sounds like nobody wants to pay for it.

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Re: Free speech?

      Hey as any good American capitalist knows, anything that's FREE is Worthless. Air, water, speech. If you can't put a price on it, it ain't worth nothing...

      *Note: For the Americans in the room, this is called sarcasm... *

  18. mark l 2 Silver badge

    I mean only this week Twitter/X(crement) allows Kan'Ye' West back on to there platform. This is a documented antisemitic who thinks Hitler did a lot of things right. And yet Elon 'Pedo Guy' Musk blames a none profit org for scaring away their advertisers.

    Musk must be really desperate to run the platform into the ground so he can claim chapter 11 bankruptcy now, as there is no other explanation on why hes carry on as he is.

  19. localzuk

    Operation backfire is go

    This case will backfire horribly if it ends up in court. Discovery will reveal the real statistics of hate speech, and we all know they aren't lower than ever as Musk tries to make out. We also will know that Musk happily takes payment from people who post hate speech and don't get banned. And, we'll know just how much of a mess the company is in with regards its advertisers...

    So, all that will do is drive even more advertisers away.

    The issue isn't people reporting on the hate speech, Musk, it is the hate speech itself. Companies aren't scared by reports of it. They're scared off by the hate speech... Shooting the messenger is just bad business.

    1. Bbuckley

      Re: Operation backfire is go

      In your dreams komrade!

  20. BillyMunny

    Elon's Game: Buy and Destroy

    He doesn't fool me. Elon is intentionally where he is. A meteor didn't strike Twitter, he did.

    As far as the infestation of fascists and haters who drive away advertisers: Elon Musk made the platform a safe haven for them. The truth hurts, MF. His coup de grace was renaming it "X." WTF, have we not had enough "X" companies in the past? I was content to let Xerox have that...

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Big Fake “X”

    In German we have an idiom „jemandem ein X für ein U vormachen“, i.e. make someone believe a “U” (originally “V”, Latin 5) – by extension of the lines – is an “X” (Latin 10.) That doubles the debt on a signed IOU. It means “to pull the wool over someone's eyes.” Seems fecking fElon chose a fitting new name.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    CCDH...yet another "Non Profit" with very interesting public accounts

    When you look at the publics a/c's filed in the US and UK for CCDH its basically one guy who pays himself a tidy little sum and raises a lot of cash (over a mil $ in one year) from unknown "grant" sources which mostly sits in a bank a/c. That pays the one guy and his buddies salaries for years to come. This looks like the classic shakedown "Non Profit". A straight up fraud that makes a nice little earner for what are little more than grifters. Plenty of examples going back decades in San Francisco, LA, DC etc. Lots of money goes in, a few big salaries payed to the top people, no discernable work of any type done. Apart from media coverage. All hidden under the virtuous term "Non Profit".

    It does not matter how sleazy Musk might be in this case CCDH is a straight up con job that raises new cash by making high profile unsubstaited and unprovable claims against third parties. Just because you dont like some ones opinion does not make it "hate speech" under the First Amendment. Get back to me when people like CCDH go after the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan etc who actually have been spewing hate speech for decades. Against all races. And they have killed people too. Not going to happen. If you have ever seen the NOI goons up close you know why.

    Orgs like CCDH only go for soft targets that will be good for fund raising. That's the name of the game.

    Remember, this CCDH "group" is basically one guy hiding behind a grandiose organization name who pays himself a big salary and does publicity stunts to keep the grant money rolling in. Thats it.

    1. localzuk

      Re: CCDH...yet another "Non Profit" with very interesting public accounts

      Not sure where you get that idea from? The companies house record for CCDH in the UK has 10 directors, and their last accounts lists them having 6 employees.

      Not all charities are the size of Oxfam or WWF...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: CCDH...yet another "Non Profit" scam ...look at the the 501(c) filings

        The UK filings have little substantial info but the 501(c) IRS filings in the US is where the real info is. Number of directors etc means nothing. Follow the money.

        Genuine Non Profits that do substantive work that benefit other have annual filings that have lots of very detailed info in the main filing and especially the Schedules. You can see where the money comes from and where it goes. Plus its easy to find out which agencies / foundations / donors their income comes from. All very transparent. This is just as true for any org that is US/UK based. The IRS treat all world income as relevant.

        Now the CCDH a/c's on the other hand...

        If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like duck then its a crooked duck.

        If you do deep dives through NGO / lobby groups 501(c) and other filing year in year out you start seeing some very specific patterns. The very political high media profile ones all tend to be frauds. Just fund raising scams of one sort of another. They are very lucrative for the principals. The Non Profits who actually do such great work for so many people keep a low media profile and have very straight forward a/c's. With people like the Salvation Army in the US being a great example. Those who shout loudest in the media and at City Hall do the least good and the most harm. And are only in it for very selfish reasons. Even if its only narcissism. But they always seem to do very well financially for some reason.

        1. localzuk

          Re: CCDH...yet another "Non Profit" scam ...look at the the 501(c) filings

          They are a UK organisation, with a US presence. So, you'd find that the majority of their activity happens in the UK. Meaning, their US filings? They'd be quite slim.

  23. Ian Mason

    Are they going to get paid?

    Before taking on work from Musk and Twitter/X, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP really ought to ask "Are we gonna get paid for this?". You've only got to look to recent news to realise that lawyers who work for Twitter/X and don't get the result, even if successful, that suits Musk's current mood when when the bill arrives, don't get paid.

  24. Bbuckley

    I am totally with Musk on this one - "Center for Countering Digital Hate" sounds like an Orwellian communist "Ministry of Truth" dystopian source of hate for anyone who does not fit their profile - female, not white, anti-Christian and anti-western only need apply.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Something to remember is a lot of younger people fully believe that Big Brother and the party in 1984 were far right.

  25. MachDiamond Silver badge

    Sacking, Inc

    Did Elon spare the legal department when he culled the ranks? British law and procedures are different than the US and South Africa.

    It seems like every week now Elon is "gunna sue somebody". Maybe by the end of the year he'll know more about worldwide civil laws "than anybody else on the planet". He'll have been involved in more law suits than anybody in history.

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