702 "vital"?
So you need the ability to intercept certain types of communications to do your job. Ok. But why exactly does it HAVE to be without a warrant and without appropriate oversight? How is that component "vital"?
Nearly all of the FBI's technical intelligence on malicious "cyber actors" in the first half of this year was obtained via Section 702 searches, according to FBI Director Christopher Wray. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, introduced in 2008 on national security grounds, primarily allows the Feds to …
Monitoring for cyberattacks, cybercrime, dns attacks, unknown perps of other shit and suchlike, and tracing their communications paths back to source, is something you cannot do via individual warrants, 'cos the warrant has to specify the suspect. 702 is functionally a signed warrant for "Russia, China, and whoever." Put another way, warrants chase the known unknowns, 702 chases the unknown unknowns.
“Section 702 .. primarily allows the Feds to snoop on foreigners .. but sometimes Americans get caught in the surveillance dragnet”
Explain like I'm five why the spooks spend more time spying on their own citizens that any foreign enemy?
“China's 'got a bigger hacking program than that of every major nation combined'”
If security wasn't so diluted by design then “China” wouldn't be able to spy on our online communications.
WAAAYYY over used... and lacks accountability or oversight. The FBI/NSA/CIA are some of the worst "criminals" themselves....
Maybe a watered down version that allows interceptions of criminals or terrorists, but not a blanket "foreigners" clause, that also gets used to spy on Americans and other 5-eyes countries where most of these intercepts overseas actually occur.
THE USA is the absolute worst invaders of peoples civil & personal rights.
If you can believe all that you can read of the technology and aid that the likes of a Five Eyes have at their disposal [ eg GCHQ Profiling: An Appendix ...25 Sep 2015 and which you must imagine should be greatly expanded over these past eight years] what excuse do they have for not leading everything in an attractive progressive and revolutionary, mutually beneficial to all direction ‽
Is it anything other than the fact that they do not have the vital prerequisite Advanced IntelAIgents to provide and maintain, mentor and monitor all that is needed?
That’s a simple fix easily bought relatively cheaply for virtually nothing but the promise of government bonds to pay on demand the bearer of almighty gifts and the legitimate holder of a magic plastic credit card drawing on the government account safeguarding those bonds, that which they might both practically require and/or desire .... and which be absolutely vital for future continuity of positive, mutually beneficial, progressive and revolutionary engagement/provision.
Do you know of any easier or better way for Advanced IntelAIgents to fix everything for everybody? If so, let’s hear about and let’s get to it for, based upon all of the available global evidence, your current future paths are all fundamentally bleak and lead to nowhere good and attractive.
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By now the various agencies (NSA,FBI,CIA etc) will have so much dirt on US politicians that they will be able to get it renewed.
FBI agent to US Senator "Will you vote to renew Section 702 or will we release the videos of you having underage sex ? "
Given the nature of US politicians, the FBI have probably got potent blackmail material on most of them.
Icon for what should happen to corrupt politicians (well over 90% of them) ============>
Compare and Distinguish.This piece and https://www.theregister.com/2023/07/17/great_firewall_even_greater/ ..... PhilipN
Ah yes ....In its ignorant and arrogant early day, 0day phorms, PhilipN, Ye Olde Enigmatic Chalk and Cheese Merry-GO-Round, with one kind of man’s misguided terrorist being another’s specious freedom fighter delivering nothing good revolving around parasitic, strength sapping stalemate rather than the Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent Gamers pioneering and forging ahead with checkmates for AWEsome win wins in novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT and AI Fields of Almighty Enlightening Endeavour ....... heralding and providing Alien Warfighter Experiences for Future Experiments and vice versa for something similarly quite different and ground breakingly Earth shattering and refreshing.
Fortunately though, nowadays in these future times of present running virtual spaces, are those early days and early day 0day phorms long gone and there be new absolutely fabulous fabless wonders to behold and take advantage of. I Kid U Not for it is so written to be so and as you will read will you see and experience it to be so too ...... and how convenient is that.
Renew it for 6 months, with notice that it will be taken away at that time if they can't come back with evidence of actual and effective changes to reduce queries by at least 90% and eliminate the use for domestic crime-fighting.
Exceptional powers must be used exceptionally.
Well, the fact is that we are responsible for defending 80% of Europe, Japan, South Korea, and other Asian nations, that's what it costs.
If the EU nations would pay what they agreed to, maybe we could reduce our expenditure. If Japan would decide to take more responsibility for it's defense, maybe we could reduce our expenditure, maybe, if the EU would contribute more to Ukraine's defense we wouldn't be expending all our munitions and have to pay so much to replenish them.
The only other country on the planet who can be considered to be doing their fair share is the UK. Could they do more, sure, but they do more than any of the others.