back to article Linux lover consumed a quarter of the network

Ah, gentle reader, we find ourselves once again at that juncture of the week we call Who, Me? in which your fellow Regizens' tales of technical not-quite-competence brighten an otherwise dull Monday. This week our story comes from "Charlie" who, some quarter of a century ago, was working on his PhD at "a large tertiary …

  1. Korev Silver badge

    Looks like Charlie was visiting some CD sites...

    1. Korev Silver badge

      He's very lucky he didn't get himself a WAN from using the network...

      1. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

        He just got told to packet in

        1. Korev Silver badge

          Yeah, he was a bit naughty...

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. MyffyW Silver badge

      Charlie Says

      Never play with matches download that which can be posted to you in 48 hours"

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Korev Silver badge

          Re: Charlie Says

          Maybe pop out for a byte to eat whilst you're waiting...

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

            1. Korev Silver badge

              Re: Charlie Says

              That costs a packet though...

              1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. MyffyW Silver badge

          Re: Charlie Says

          I know - totally had that one handed to me, and all it took was some memory of my childhood trauma from the 1970s to get resurfaced. I mean, I'll need six months of counselling, but at least I got a few upvotes :-)

          Grabs coat, the red one I was wearing by that pond...

          1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

            Re: Charlie Says

            I hated those safety films as a kid, still do even if they are voiced by Cuddly Kenny Everett.

          2. phuzz Silver badge

            Re: Charlie Says

            Fortunately I was born in the 80's, so I only remember it from the Prodigy tune:


      3. This post has been deleted by its author

      4. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

        Re: Charlie Says

        Never underestimate the bandwidth of a jiffy bag stuffed with CD-Rs

        1. Handlebars

          Re: Charlie Says

          Never mind the latency, feel the width

    3. aerogems Silver badge

      So NFS doesn't stand for Need For Slackware?

    4. steviebuk Silver badge

      Did his WANG curl up when the sysadmin knocked at the door.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "Hamm is the code name for a former Stable Debian distribution. It was released on July 24th 1998 as Debian GNU/Linux 2.0. It was superseded by Debian/Slink on 09 Mar 1999."


    I had mine through snail mail from some nice volunteer, IIRC linking from the Debian webpage. No chance to download it via a 33.6 modem.

    1. Wzrd1 Silver badge

      Re: Unnecessary

      Hell, back then, the CD's came with various magazines.

  3. chuckufarley Silver badge

    Rule one...

    ...Never underestimate the bandwidth of a vehicle packed full of hard drives rolling down the road.

    Rule two...

    ...Never talk about a vehicle packed full of hard drives rolling down the road.

    1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: Rule one...

      In the UK, that would either be a vehicle stuck in a traffic jam in central London, or stationary on the M20, trying to get to Dover.

      1. chuckufarley Silver badge

        Re: Rule one...

        Which is why we have Rule two.

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

      3. that one in the corner Silver badge

        Re: Rule one...

        > stationary on the M20

        Aka Operation Stack

        Which really gets one right in the old pedantry nerve: that is a FIFO not a LIFO! They aren't stacking their operations, they are queueing!

        Although calling it Operation Queue would just get it confused with SOP on the M25.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Rule one...

            M25 is more of a fully loaded token ring network. Just an empty space or two that perculates around - one car has the token and can move forward before passing it to the one behind.

        2. Wzrd1 Silver badge

          Re: Rule one...

          Operation Stack, a modern implementation of the evacuation at Dunkirk.

          Or maybe it's the ongoing evacuation effort...

      4. Wzrd1 Silver badge

        Re: Rule one...

        Of course it'd be stationary! The M20 parking lot is world famous!

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: Rule one...

      Canonically, that's "Never underestimate the bandwidth capability of a station wagon full of mag tape."

      The quote is often attributed to Tanenbaum in 1996, but it was a common expression when I was at DEC long before that ... and I remember a similar comment from a student at Stanford in the early '80s when a professor expressed surprise at one of the vaxen already running the latest BSD build, released just a few hours before. Conversation went "How on earth did you get that code across the network that fast?" answer was "My motorcycle's latency might be sub-par, but it still has a much higher bandwidth capability than your network!".

      1. Yes Me Silver badge

        Re: Rule one...

        Way before 1996, people at CERN referred to a network called "Jumbo Jet on line" (mag tapes by air freight were very competitive with the early Internet). Andy Tanenbaum was often at CERN so he could have learned about it there.

        On site, they used "bicycle on line" (mag tapes could cross the site on the back of a bike quicker than the bits could cross the site network).

        1. Wzrd1 Silver badge

          Re: Rule one...

          Well, before rsync, there was Jumbo Jet on line or sneakernet.

    3. John Robson Silver badge

      Re: Rule one...

      Many years ago I grabbed a server from the office to take for EMC testing in a small wooden shed in the middle of a field...

      The tests were booked for the next day, so I took the server home overnight, and then to the EMC testing facility in the morning. I spent some of the journey home doing some basic calculations:

      24 disks, 1TB per disk (biggest available at the time, must have been 2007/2008), 70 minute journey time.... that's a little shy of 50 gbps

      I mean the latency sucked (two days to get data back to the office), but the bandwidth was quite substabital.

      The other amusing calculation was how much more valuable the server was than the vehicle it was riding in...

      1. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: Rule one...

        The other amusing calculation was how much more valuable the server was than the vehicle it was riding in...

        But isn't it always the case that the content is more valuable than the transport?

        1. Killfalcon

          Re: Rule one...

          Not always - a truckload of potatoes probably won't buy a truck (but the truck will obviously be able to move more potatoes in future deliveries.

        2. Ignazio

          Re: Rule one...

          One flies once to Amsterdam for the weekend and one learns to doubt that

        3. John Robson Silver badge

          Re: Rule one...

          Depends if you define the driver as content...

          It's not that often that non live contents exceed the value of the vehicle.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Rule one...

        How many of us have carried some new peice of equipment across the campus, only to be told after mounting it in its new rack: "You know, that box you just carried downstairs, across campus, and up two flights of stairs under your arm is worth more than we pay you in a year."

        If you were like me, you'd immediately send in a requisition for a pushcart...

        1. Korev Silver badge

          Re: Rule one...

          When I did more of a system role, we had to do DR practice. I remember walking to the truck with all the tapes thinking that I had the entire output of a five hundred person research site for twenty years in nothing more that a tatty cardboard box[0]

          [0] This backup wasn't the latest so if we did screw it up we'd still be covered

          1. Robert Carnegie Silver badge

            Re: Rule one...

            I would not skimp on cardboard box quality for this application. Order the *good* biscuits. :-)

        2. Not Yb Bronze badge

          Re: Rule one...

          At the university I worked at, a requisition for a good pushcart would require a form with "press very hard, you are making eight copies" on the bottom, and a series of assistants to sign off.

      3. Wzrd1 Silver badge

        Re: Rule one...

        "The other amusing calculation was how much more valuable the server was than the vehicle it was riding in..."

        Yeah, installed a DNS server that cost far more than a luxury sports car.

        Irritatingly, some idiot second lieutenant (but, I repeat myself) decided its partner was excess inventory and sent it to the property auction to be sold for pennies on the thousand dollar. He's probably a twenty star General by now, with that level of performance.

    4. swm

      Re: Rule one...

      At the college I was attending, the police came to the computer center and said they found someone with several 9-track tapes and an incoherent story about them -- something about research or something. So we mounted the tapes and didn't find anything suspicious. Then we had a hard time convincing the police that it was perfectly normal for a computer scientist to have a load of tapes with a very confused story about them.

      1. Mog_X

        Re: Rule one...

        We had a similar situation - towards the end of the last century, our company successfully migrated off one of the ancient applications onto a new (for then) platform.

        At the celebration party one of the key people was presented with a 9-track tape reel from the decommissioned system as a souvenir.

        However this person overdid the celebration a bit and was found later that night by the Met - as the tape had 'property of $big_corporation ' printed on it they thought they had stumbled on an industrial espionage attempt.

        It took a late night phone call to the head of IT to get it all sorted out.

    5. Sequin

      Re: Rule one...

      Don't forget the pigeons!

      1. Chris 239

        Re: Rule one...

        Indeed, possibly quite competitive with the capacity orf micro SD cards these days!

    6. Paul Cooper

      Re: Rule one...

      While Rule One continues to rule (the bandwidth of a pile of USB sticks in hand luggage still beats anything with wires) , it can fail catastrophically. Very many years ago, before the Internet was a gleam in anyone's eyes, I shared an office with a PhD student. Said student had recorded data in The Arctic on film (this was before digital cameras!) and then shipped it back to the UK. Unfortunately, the film went missing in transit and was never recovered. A whole season's work went up in smoke; the student was EXTREMELY upset, but fortunately managed to recover from it (she is now a respectable member of Norway's academic elite).

      We very nearly suffered something similar because of the inflexibility of airport security. Again, we had a bunch of data recorded on 35mm film. At that time, you could ask for film not to be passed through airport X-ray devices; AFAIR it was guaranteed by international agreement. Also, the fieldwork had been at least partially financed by the Norwegian government, We arrived at Oslo airport, and the security flatly refused to allow the film to bypass their X-Ray machine. They were very proud that it was a model that would not fog film, and they insisted on everything going through it, despite my boss arguing about international agreements and about the cost to the Norwegian government if the film was damaged. Fortunately, the film did survive, but if it had been a more sensitive emulsion, it might not have!

    7. Erix

      Re: Rule one...

      Rule 3...

      Never trust a man in a blue trenchcoat

      Rule 4...

      Never drive a car when you`re dead

    8. Richard Pennington 1

      Re: Rule one...

      Back in the day (early-mid 1980s), I was doing a PhD in astronomy in a venerable university in the Fenlands. There were two systems: the University computer, connected to the nationwide academic network JANET, and a dedicated inter-University astronomy network called STARLINK.

      To get data from one to the other, there were two methods available:

      [1] From the University computer, hop on the JANET link to a rival university (on the Thames wearing the wrong shade of blue), hop across their link to STARLINK, and then come back to the Fenlands over the STARLINK network. Or, going the other way, reverse all the steps.

      [2] At the University computer site in the centre of town, put your data onto magnetic tape, load it onto a motorbike and have it delivered to the satellite [appropriately...] site where we were working and where the STARLINK terminals were.

      The two methods transferred data at about the same bit rate.

    9. Not Yb Bronze badge

      Re: Rule one...

      I've enjoyed that one of the ways Netflix updated the "edge servers" at various colocations when they started streaming, was to ship a server containing "One Netflix" worth of data to each. Once they had one of those, the further updates could be sent digitally.

  4. Paul Crawford Silver badge

    Even today there are sites that have serious bandwidth limitations, such as odd research post in Antarctica where the glory of an 8Mbit satellite connection is shard by 20-100 people depending on the time of year.

    1. jake Silver badge


      According to a buddy who works down there, uploading selfies is by appointment only ... and uploading research data is positively glacial.

      1. Korev Silver badge

        Re: Yep.

        Icy what you did there...

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Korev Silver badge

          Re: Positively Glacial

          > [Edit: Bloody hell Korev! In before! I was snowed under!]

          Maybe the network's being a bit flakey today...

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. Will Godfrey Silver badge

          Re: Positively Glacial

          Look on the bright side. He didn't rain on your parade.

      3. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

        Re: Yep.

        Definitely no video uploads. Perhaps just a freeze-frame

    2. vogon00

      Optimised Engineering

      If it's the place I'm thinking of, having truly sucky bandwidth has resulted in some interesting System Design work, centering on both availability of power and bandwidth.

      I wish someone would publish the detailed info as lesson to the rest of us. I wish I could, but it's not my place to do so, and I'm a little too far 'outside' for my version to be accurate.:-)

  5. Scott 53

    Home page label

    Could you tag the article with "Who, Me?" please? Took me a little while to find today's.

    1. Paul Kinsler

      Re: Could you tag the article with "Who, Me?" please?

      Since they are running short of material, they skipped it in order to set up a "Who me Who me" story for next week :-)

  6. GlenP Silver badge


    It's not that many years ago that, as an experiment, they tried downloading a film (movie for non-Brits) from a server in London to a computer in Nottingham (130 miles or so by road), at the same time they sent a USB drive strapped to a pigeon's leg. The USB drive arrived before the download completed.

    We had an incident 10-12 years ago with TomTom updates over our 2 meg leased line. The downloading PC sent the request to the Akamai server hosting the updates which duly sent the update, then when the server hadn't received an acknowledgement within a relatively short time frame it sent it again, and again, and again... I believe at one point there were 7 copies of the update being downloaded simultaneously, and not a lot else being done. Shutting down the PC concerned and terminating the connections cured the immediate problem, as did telling the user to not try that again. I then gradually blocked every Akamai address on the firewall to prevent a recurrence.

    1. Richard 12 Silver badge

      Re: Bandwidth...

      TomTom updates were horrific.

      I bought one for the "lifetime updates" and ability to buy maps for other areas for travel.

      The purchase and update application was possibly the worst piece of **** I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

      In the end, the only way I could actually get the maps was to intercept the HTTP request and download the ISO myself.

      Then chargeback the map purchase because it didn't bloody work...

      1. Antron Argaiv Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Re: Bandwidth...

        IIRC, it was a dozen (or more) 3.5" diskette images. At least that was Slackware, which was what I used. And, yes, I FTP'd them from Sunsite or TSX-11 or DECWRL. And it took forever to write them to the diskettes.

        It was a great day when Walnut Creek CD offered distributions on CD for like $10.

      2. Not Yb Bronze badge

        Re: Bandwidth...

        I definitely got a GPS with "Free Lifetime Updates" on the maps included. They decided when the item's life was over, and stopped providing updates.

  7. EvaQ

    "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."?

    Really? 'Debian installation required "something like a dozen CD-ROMs." "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."'?

    On you can see Debian on just one CD.

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."?

      Possibly it was a full repository including every optional/extra package too, not just the base install. Maybe all the source code too.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."?

      The neophyte user might not have understood that he only needed the one binary installation CD, and had no immediate need for the two source CDs, no need for the binary CDs of the other CPU architectures available, and no need for the several foreign language CDs. I don't think it was quite a full dozen 25 years ago, but it would have been close.

    3. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."?

      I think it was 3 CDs back when I was paying by the minute for dial-up.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."?

        Ah, yes, the days when it was cheaper to buy than to pay BT for the duration of the file download :-)

        1. YouStupidBoy

          Re: "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."?

          Yep, I think I paid 15 quid at PC World in 1997/98 for a box containing a Mandrake distro. I think it was 4 CDs. Worked out that it would have cost me double that (and several days) to FTP them over my crappy Psion 33.6 modem - that only used to like to link at about 20kbps.

    4. irrelevant

      Re: "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."?

      I'm pretty sure it was debian I installed, back in 1995 or thereabouts. Download one floppy, boot of it, and it grabs everything else it needs via a network connection. This was being provided at that time by a windows machine sharing a standard dial-up connection. Whilst it took a while, I don't recall it taking so long that I ran out of free phone call time. (I was lucky enough to find a local (UK) ISP with access numbers on the local cable network; that got me free calls to them, off-peak, once I signed up for a line myself.)

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Debian DoS'ed

    I remember when i was still in university that a professor once shared the tale of when he DoS'ed the debian servers by trying to set up a mirror at the university lab, with the only caveat that being an academic institution, the Uni had 2 10gig lines to the literal national backbone... Let's just say that he's not welcome anymore on the other debian mirrors....

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Debian DoS'ed

      Yes. There are proper ways to mirror a site.

      Ad hoc is not one of them.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Debian DoS'ed

        And their instructions (i will admin not having checked them for a few years) don't actually tell you how to do it the proper way.

  9. john.w

    Wi-Fi to the rescue or not

    I remember many of the early Wi-Fi alliance meetings (it was called WECA at the time) where documents were passed around using PCMCIA cards because it was the only reliable way to share files.

    1. munnoch Silver badge

      Re: Wi-Fi to the rescue or not

      My first wifi AP's radio was on a PCMCIA card so it could be upgraded. Lucent branded thing, built like a tank. Same card in my laptop. I also had a SCSI PCMCIA card in that laptop for the external CD reader. How far we have come indeed, or have we...?

      1. stiine Silver badge

        Re: Wi-Fi to the rescue or not

        Those things were marvelous. You could pop one in your laptop and, if you ordered your laptop with a spare battery in leiu of a cdrom drive, you could work from 8:30am until 4:30pm in the break area outside....Ah, the good old days. Today, with the hotspot on my phone, I could work from a beach in Hawaii if I wanted to.

    2. Annihilator

      Re: Wi-Fi to the rescue or not

      I remember when irDA was similarly used as a terrific way to share stuff between Thinkpads and Nokia 8310s - from memory it was 50-100Kbps between devices which was good enough. I even remember "free" (but slow as hell) data over GPRS because the mobile companies hadn't really figured out how to monetise it or prevent what was effectively pairing.

  10. Stuart Castle Silver badge

    Years ago, I worked for a Uni doing staff support. Can't remember the specs, but we had a decent internet link that was also available in one of the University owned student accomodation sites (basically a small housing estate on one of the campuses. Obviously accomodation in this estate was *very* sought after, because they got a much faster connection than they would outside the Uni.

    I had friends on the University Networks team, and was talking to one of them one day. He pointed out that during the academic year, nearly a quarter of University bandwidth (and this was a University that had 3 large campuses housing over 18,000 students and a couple of thousand staff) was used by two of the larger buildings on this estate. Funnily enough when, after getting cease and desist orders from at least one record company, they introduced measures to reduce file sharing (Napster, Limewire etc). I don't think they ever entirely stopped it, but bandwidth usage went down massively.

    1. Korev Silver badge

      I remember in about 2003 someone in Cambridge managed to shift half a terrabyte via file sharing. Twenty years later that's still quite a lot of data to upload...

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        500GB isn't really all that much.

        A couple of game updates.

        Windows 10 updates when it's a "new" release.

        20 or so 4K feature films depending on compression used etc.

        1/2 a TB really isn't all that much these days when so many have 100Mb/s+ download pipes

        1. Korev Silver badge

          I should have mentioned that was in 24 hours

          1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge
            Thumb Up

            Yeah, you should have, That does make a difference :-)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I think I was in this halls, 100Mbit in 2000, took along time to get the same at home.

      There was a not insignificant percentage of Napster's catalogue available and someone got a cease and desist letter from Paramount.

      It was one of the smaller halls too, only about 100 people and came in 3rd after the entire campus and the largest hall for internet usage.

      A simpler time.

    3. PRR Silver badge

      > measures to reduce file sharing (Napster, Limewire etc).

      When I did support at a university, one of my area's Top Ten data-hog reports turned out to be a low-use teacher who had started Napster to get a sample of one song (not even popular), but left Napster running over a long week.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        In 2002, our 5-person townhouse got a warning letter from our ISP about the amount of bandwidth we were using. Me and the other geek checked our setups - no, nothing crazy going on with ours. So I called the ISP and asked just how much was being used (the letter didn't say). A couple gigs *UPLOAD* per day, apparently. Talked to the two guys in the basement, and helped them make Napster stop sharing. Suddenly bandwidth went back to normal.

  11. Stuart Castle Silver badge

    Ahh Sunsite, I remember that. Probably the best archive of shareware and public domain software for Linux I saw as a student. I spent a lot of money on CDRs and Zip disks to download the software from this.

    1. Paratrooping Parrot

      Still remember the website

      I still remember I used to visit it regularly to download stuff back in the day!

    2. Chloe Cresswell Silver badge

      Friend of mine was at nottingham trent when cable modems (at 128kbps) were new. He NFS mounted sunsite from the uk source (IIRC, imperial).

      It worked well till a cron script kicked off that checked for some files. Which 2 days later was still trying to work it's way though the entire sunsite folder structure looking for what ever files he had told it too!


    3. R Soul Silver badge

      best archive of shareware and public domain software for Linux

      sunsite and the other archive/ftp servers were the best archive of shareware and public domain software long before Linux was a thing. Kids these days,,,,

  12. Lee D Silver badge

    My old university used to gauge people's internet usage by the amount of local storage they were using.

    They didn't have the kit to monitor the BLINDINGLY fast connection of the day (I think 100Mbps), and so they weren't able to monitor usage directly, so they correlated it to those students downloading tons of stuff and keeping it on their account.

    Every few weeks, they'd send out an email of shame to everyone naming the people using the most local storage, and next week those people would have cleaned up and taken the slap on the wrist.

    Except... if you looked, the emails were always generated from data produced at a certain predictable date and time. Obviously some scheduled task or cron job somewhere.

    I managed to go three years, in which I knew I was literally trouncing everyone on the name-and-shame list, by the simple precept of removing all the downloads the day before the script was scheduled to run. That sometimes meant an evening with a bunch of floppy disks (and later ZIP disks), and an intense familiarity with the PKZIP command line options for spanning disks, but I would pack all my stuff up, go home and "download" it to my machine, clear out my university storage, and then repeat over the next week.

    They never seemed to cotton on, and I was literally orders of magnitude more downloading and storage than those on the list, and I never made it onto the list personally. Not even once.

    But when your only home connection was 56K dial-up, then "sneakernet" to a 100Mbps location and the cost of a box of disks was actually far superior, even if it required far more patience (especially if I got home and the spanned set had a failed disk!).

    Also, because of the loss of the storage on a regular basis, I would later make a bunch of CD-R copies (at 1x speed!) so I didn't have to download things again. I still have them. They all still work. I would burn them in pairs so I had two copies of everything.

    Including one that, the day I burned it, failed verification when it was read back. It's copy burned absolutely fine, no problems. When I looked, a single byte was incorrect in a single file. I attached a post-it to the CDR with the hex address and what the byte should read.

    To this day, if you load up that CD-R, hex-edit that one file, change that one byte, the archive passes all tests and opens and give you the files inside perfectly intact.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Back in the early 1990s I used to work graveyard shift, 1am to 8am, overnight it was just watching batches, backups and cleaning PCs of junk, updating AV, etc. However we had a company internet connection that no one used overnight, it was around 512k speed line when everyone had 9600 dialup at home if they were lucky. I had access to a SPARC desktop that didn't have any monitoring software! So I'd trawl university FTP sites for, ahem less them legal software then dump it onto an IoMega ZIP drive ( remember "click of death"? ).

    One day someone asked me what i was doing and I told them the line was unused overnight, this lead to me being Mr Collector, I'd get emails during the day with orders from various people looking for software and games, then spent my free time overnight fulfilling them for my colleagues who'd collect the floppies and CDs ( we had a £5k SCSI CD writer in the office too! ), all the time getting paid for it! I'd be downloading 250MB a night, 5 nights a week. I had to buy more ZIP disks and blank CDs which cost about £20 per blank at the time.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I feel so young

    The first "fast" internet connection was 2Mbit in a students dorm, shared by 140 students. Still, when the net was quiet, I could burn a CD image from Sunsite to disk on-the-fly (single-speed).

    Just because I could.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Off topic

    As I said, off topic, but I do like the thumbnail from the access road to Oamaru Penguin colony,170.9728437,3a,75y,67.66h,83.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skA9loeUyJKVSbzW32B-AJQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu

    I'd recommend a visit if you ever in the area, especially when they come ashore in the evening.

    1. rcxb Silver badge

      Re: Off topic

      Oamaru Penguin colony ... visit if you ever in the area, especially when they come ashore

      You're not fooling me! I've seen the documentary:

  16. breakfast

    I only learnt recently that Debian celebrated the relationship between Deb and Ian. A delightfully amateur origin for one our major OS distributions.

    1. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

      The distro outlasted the relationship as well as one of the partners.

  17. ColinPa Silver badge

    How do I download the fix I need to fix my networking?

    I was in Japan in the 1990's when hotel connectivity was to plug the phone line into the back of your computer. This didnt work because of a dialler problem ( which allowed me to connect to the corporate network) but there was a fix for it. My problem was how do I download the fix to be able to download the fix. This was late Friday night and I was working a a customer over the weekend.

    I took the subway (1 hour) to our corporate building, but I could not get into the floor because my badge was not on their system, and there was no one in! I found there was a corporate WiFii signal if I held my laptop up. I downloaded the fix, went down the ground floor, and borrowed a telephone line from a security guard (who spoke no English) - and it worked!

    These days with hotel Wifi - it is so easy.!

    1. Paul Kinsler

      Re: How do I download the fix I need to fix my networking?

      I still have an old laptop with a built-in modem (but actually a winmodem, ick), and it came with quite the variety of novelty connectors for different phone systems, I suppose they are still somewhere in box with old serial cables &etc.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I hate NFS

    I don't understand it and it keeps causing me problems like files not saving properly.

  19. rcxb Silver badge

    Download managers

    the Debian installation required "something like a dozen CD-ROMs."

    Even today it doesn't require that much!

    Unfortunately, the internet connection in Charlie's office was slow and unreliable at the best of times,

    I hope Charlie learned about wget, curl, and other download managers since then. I was using Go!Zilla and GetRight in the mid-90s to download Linux ISOs over dial-up on Windows.

  20. RAMChYLD

    A Dozen CD ROMS? Which alternate universe Debian is this?

    As I recall, Debian Potato needed 3 CDs max...

    1. johnfbw

      Re: A Dozen CD ROMS? Which alternate universe Debian is this?

      Funny I was thinking the same - even with today's bloatware the download (that took less time that to click on reply) is 642Mb - basically an overstuffed CDROM

      1. Dave559

        Re: A Dozen CD ROMS? Which alternate universe Debian is this?

        I definitely remember, once upon a time, that Debian did take up a good handful of CDs. Admittedly, that probably included "everything in the repos, the full kitchen sink", but it might well have been the case that although most of the core stuff was on CD 1, you would probably have needed at least one of the others for X and your favourite desktop environment…? I think it was only rather later that it occurred to distros that a cut down single-CD (and/or 'live') release was a good idea, with enough to get a desktop system up and running, but with the expectation that (by then) you could and would download the bloatier or less commonly used packages over broadband after the initial install.

        The whole point of the CD collections was essentially sneakernet, back in the days when dialup (or even early broadband, if you were very lucky) was too slow and/or too expensive.

        (Arbitrarily chosen Linux Emporium snapshot from the Internet Archive, which suggests at least 7 CDs, more if you want the sources!)

      2. PRR Silver badge

        Re: A Dozen CD ROMS? Which alternate universe Debian is this?

        > even with today's bloatware the download (that took less time that to click on reply) is 642Mb - basically an overstuffed CDROM

        Not even "overstuffed". I burned a LOT of uncompressed raw live audio. A Sony-standard 74 music-minute CD is 650MB user-bits (not counting ECC and overhead). 642Mb-- Clearly someone had an eye on the scale and chickened-out in the last 10MB, to allow for wonky drives, screwball filesystems, and such. (As deposition etc improved we were putting 80 and more minutes on a disc, At Own Risk.)

        I remember a unix-alike on 23 diskettes (33MB). I remember base CD and extra CD. I was rather stunned the first time an ISO-burner demanded I find a DVD, and later a Double Layer CD.

        1. Robert Carnegie Silver badge

          Re: A Dozen CD ROMS? Which alternate universe Debian is this?

          We're talking about compressed data on a CD. Technologically impressive that you can boot from what is loosely a Zip file.

          I'm going to allege that Knoppix on home-made CD went up to around 700 MB because also technologically you could put on more data than 74 minutes / 650 MB. I suppose that the last 50 MB was stuff that you could live without.

  21. Anonymous Anti-ANC South African Coward Silver badge

    ahhh, the good old days of using wget to resume interrupted downloads...

    I can remember downloading StarOffice when it was made available for free, on a 33k modem. Took a couple of days using Telkom's R7 Callmore time (after-hours you'll only get billed or the first R7 of the telephone call).

    And Roblist. The Roblist.

    Those were the days.

    If somebody ever manage to get a multi-user BBS up and running (which will allow more than two users simultaneously) I'll gladly have a shufty at it! Miss those days of text-only consoles.

    1. Dave559

      $ _

      "If somebody ever manage to get a multi-user BBS up and running (which will allow more than two users simultaneously) I'll gladly have a shufty at it! Miss those days of text-only consoles."

      Sounds like you want to take a look at SDF or (or various others…)

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Have you ever fixed one problem, only to create a whole other one no-one saw coming?

    If that ain't my career in a nutshell...

  23. Adrian 4

    CDs ?

    Debian CDs ?

    DIdn't anyone else glue together KILOBYTES of uuencoded Minix patches from Usenet ?

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: CDs ?

      Minix from Usenet? Hell no, who trusted code from Usenet? ... I got it from their FTP site, as gawd/ess intended.

      1. Adrian 4

        Re: CDs ?

        We people on the fringes didn't have the luxury of direct tcp connections :)

        Collect 40 or 50 postings, trim,cut,paste them together (there might have been a tool for this), uudecode, patch, fix the errors, rebuild ..

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: CDs ?

          "We people on the fringes didn't have the luxury of direct tcp connections"

          There was usually a BBS with an FTP gateway somewhere fairly local. Failing that, UUCP over dial-up to a local Uni was a thing.

          I helped people all over the UK (and parts of Europe) get connected in the early days ... it was there, if you knew how, and who to talk to.

  24. Philip Hands

    when Sunsite DoS-ed JANET

    I was the person that created the Debian ISO images for a while, which was done at the time on a machine that was in an ISP near Bracknell, and which had a 10Mbit network interface.

    Previous releases had demonstrated that that _really_ wasn't enough, so I asked the people I knew at Imperial's DoC ( if they could mirror the image on Sunsite for me.

    Just after the Debian release, the folks at JANET in London noticed that their backbone was completely flooded, and the cause was coming from the I.C link, so they pulled the plug, and I.C. was off the air for (IIRC a couple of days) while they worked out how to limit the link, which was something like twice the bandwidth of the 100Mbit backbone.


    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: when Sunsite DoS-ed JANET

      Didn't Walnut Creek agree to host Debian in the early days, like they did Slackware and FreeBSD (and the simtel collection, Project Gutenberg, X11R5 (and later R6), perl, the complete monstrosity known as ADA ... later, that new-fangled Apache & accessories for people fiddling about with the WorldWideWait thingie, and ... ).

      Have a beer for services rendered.

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    NFS, worst protocol ever

    NFS is probably the only protocol in the unix world, that is worst that its Microsoft counter part.

    It's always been shite, performance and reliability wise.

    1. KSM-AZ

      Re: NFS, worst protocol ever

      "NFS is probably the only protocol in the unix world, that is worst that its Microsoft counter part.

      It's always been shite, performance and reliability wise."

      --Flame Bait--

      If your trying to say NFS is worse than SMB/CIFS I beg to differ. NFSv3 performance is very good albeit single threaded. NFSv3 also works reasonably well over higher latency connections. SMB/CIFS falls over. That being said, Microsoft's NFS implementation is abysmal. If you are running a *nix box run NFS, If you are running Windows run CIFS, though both can be abysmal under windows. I've used NFS extensively since

      I note NetApp still uses NFS as the core protocol for VMware storage connectivity, and it routinely out-performed iSCSI in years past. I know more recently they support multi-threaded NFSv4, though I haven't followed the benchmarks recently.

  26. Wanting more

    A dozen CD-ROMS doesn't sound right, at 650Mb per CD that's 7.8Gb . The latest Mint distribution only downloads as a 2Gb file in 2023.

    1. jake Silver badge

      "A dozen CD-ROMS doesn't sound right, at 650Mb per CD that's 7.8Gb "

      The bulk of the "foreign" language versions is duplicate code.

    2. LinuxMan

      Dozens is right

      In the early 2000’s I ran a small business selling loads of different Linux distros on CDs and DVDs from home, with a meagre 2Mbit ADSL line… did it for years.

      I distinctly remember Debian sets were 13 discs, the largest distro, I had to burn those regularly

  27. I Am Spartacus

    Actually - This is me right now

    But all I am doing is an Intellij sync of a new Spring Boot project and the network is hosed.

    Its so bad, I am having difficulty browsing el Reg.

  28. ThoughtCrime

    Charlie is very old, with memory issues. Debian never required 12 CDs. It might have been 12 floppies....

    1. Antron Argaiv Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      As someone who also installed Linux (Slackware, not Debian, though), I believe you are correct. Though I remember 13 (which may have included the required "boot floppy")

  29. Alan Bourke

    A *dozen* CDs, 25 years ago?

    Were they not compressed or anything ?

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "a large tertiary education institution on the south coast."

    "a large tertiary education institution on the south coast."

    I'm going to take a wild guess that said institution is probably not a million miles away from Brighton, starts with s and ends with x…?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "a large tertiary education institution on the south coast."


  31. Gordon 11

    Sort of the reverse

    Some years ago I was looking after some Research Scientists Linux/Unix systems

    Just by chance I noticed that someone was pulling a lot of data across the "private" line from the US to the UK. A quick check showed it had been running for >12 hours, but probably only had an hour to go. It would have been more efficient to compress it, send it, uncompress it so I made a note to have a chat to the user (as we actually had a utility that woudl do this for them).

    About 10 mins later I had a 'phone call from someone in the network support team.

    "It seems that someone is pulling a lot of data across the Atlantic - do you know anything about this?"

    I apologized, said it could have been done more efficiently and I was going to chat to the user in question.

    The reply to that was somewhat unexpected.

    "No, we're not complaining - the network is there to be used."

    After I got up off the floor (mentally) I discovered that they were interested in why it was going at twice the speed as any file transfer they could do.

    (The answer was not to use FTP on a Solaris system. FTP on Irix or Linux was noticeably faster - probably to do with window sizes).

  32. Daniel Staple

    Early linux distros...

    I was on University IT helpdesk as a part time thing while a student. This was just as two things happened - university Halls of Residence got ethernet sockets (not mine ... booo) and people were playing with Linux. I'd been around that loop, but without network it was mostly about compiling kernels and getting X to load.

    However, some student had got a disk, and decided to install everything, and turn on everything. Including a DHCP server.... Blam - nobody could get on the network. Fun day that...

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