Heat Engines - not CO2 are the climate problem
Within my lifetime the majority of vehicles powered by either petrol or diesel were produced, and it is that aspect of this debate that has been, dare I say it, suppressed. We need to understand that our weather related problems have nothing to do with CO2; instead it is entirely caused by vehicles, and the associated production of electricity; because all such energy is produced by what are known as “Heat Engines”.
Burn a litre of petrol, or diesel, or produce electricity by nuclear power, all of the energy production is trammelled by the limitations of an inefficient heat to energy cycle of roughly 35%, (give or take a few percent depending upon the particular mechanism; piston engines in vehicles; steam turbines in power stations). The balance of the heat created is immediately distributed back into the surrounding atmosphere. Not to forget that ALL the energy created in any form of heat engine, always becomes heat eventually; the vehicle by movement, and braking, the electricity by distribution and the production of other forms of heat. All energy burnt/created within the heat engines eventually becomes a heat input to the atmosphere.
Not wanting anyone to try burning four litres of petrol in their garden, instead we need someone to set into motion a video demonstration of, say, a six lane motorway full of vehicles each travelling at, say, 90 kilometres an hour, above each showing an vivid illustration of the fuel being burnt, ~ 8 litres per hour, above each vehicle. Now take 1,495 billion vehicles including trucks https://hedgescompany.com/blog/2021/06/how-many-cars-are-there-in-the-world/ In point of fact; all the energy used by the vehicle heats the atmosphere. How much fossil fuel energy is produced each year? The 2021 figure is 135,923 terawatt-hours. Again, go back to 1950 and the figure was 20,139 terawatt-hours. So since 1950 fossil fuel heat input to the atmosphere has increased 6.75 times. http://www.Ourworldindata.org/fossil-fuels THAT is the primary problem that it would seem no one wants to fully illustrate; then add the nuclear, (because we are being told that nuclear is the answer to global warming, (by changing all heat engine vehicles into electric vehicles), when in fact nuclear is just another form of heat engine,
producing heat to create steam to power steam turbines; to drive generators; as also all the research into fusion power, is again, all about another form of heat engine, to again create steam to power turbines. Fact: The electrical generating efficiency of standard steam turbine power plants varies from a high of 37% HHV4 for large, electric utility plants designed for the highest practical annual capacity
factor, to under 10% HHV for small, simple plants which make electricity as a byproduct of delivering steam to processes or district heating systems. https://www.turbinesinfo.com/steam-turbine-efficiency/
Please, do not be confused with the thermodynamic efficiency of a steam turbine of up to 90%, which no doubt matches the thermodynamic efficiency of the combustion of petrol within any modern petrol engine. We are always dealing with the entire mechanical process of energy generation, heat in one end, energy out at the other. The total of which always introduces up to 63% heat loss to the atmosphere.US Energy Information Administration; More than 60% of energy used for electricity generation is lost in conversion https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=44436#
There never was any problem with CO2, nor, again, with the production of meat using natural farming methods. Yes, the figures for carbon production show a massive increase; yet the quantum of atmospheric CO2 rises over time at a few parts per million. On the other hand, fossil fuel heat input has increased 675% . . . which accurately illustrates that the vast majority of carbon produced is being adsorbed by the planet; while taking the focus of intellectual thought away from the source of the heat into the atmosphere. It is my profound belief that we have to centre our ongoing research efforts onto any and every possible means to produce energy without any further reference to any form of heat engine. We must now, all of us, stop this inaccurate debate about CO2. Everyone has to be brought to realise every solution, using any form of heat engine, including nuclear or fusion power; is an intellectual dead end. Humanity has no option but to abandon the use of heat engines to produce energy in whatever form; vehicle power, or electricity generation, if it wishes to survive. That is the real challenge facing all of us.
Trying to place the blame upon, for example the production of beef, is a classic Red Herring designed to avoid the debate about where the heat is coming from ... Heat Engines. Our planet is drowning in heat . . . NOT CO2.