Re: 43 percent of those "mistakenly" assuming "that it always produces factually accurate answers."
Anon for obvious reasons.
Sick of people saying how wonderful ChatGPT and similar "AI" tools are, when they are problematic in so many ways.
So much hype and exaggeration.
Unfortunately a lot of people in high up decision making roles in tech / tech using companies are mindlessly spouting this BS and even worse are planning to use it in many of their products & services ASAP (despite there being so many well reported issues with these "AI" systems) - either they are massively over optimistic that some of the huge issues will be rapidly resolved or they are just too dim to grasp the pitfalls. *
* Or they just don't care - maybe they know chat bots are flawed & irritating, but an excuse to reduce support headcount (short term cash saving) & hey, if an infuriated customer just gives up when trying to deal with a bot then its no loss in their mind, that ticket can be marked as closed (except that that the peeved customer likely to go elsewhere, stares at Argos who lost my future custom** with their dismal support bots & bots total failure to put me through to a real person but instead marking my support ticket as resolved)
** Though I can envisage a horrible merry go round, boycott one retailer, try another and get an equally poor experience so boycott them ,on to next one etc. etc., eventually end up having to retry retailers you previously boycotted as no alternatives left as they all have proven a useless PITA.