Roni Cohen Pavon on the run
You mean this guy ?
This "Celsius Network Roni" ? Pro tip : if the name you use at work is not the name on your birth certificate, you're either an actor, a porn star or a criminal. You most certainly are not a professional businessman, even if you do wear a suit and a tie.
So he "assists in the development of sales strategies and the identification of a variety of difficulties and obstacles" at Celcius ? Seems like he mainly worked to find ways to cheat the law, maximize sucker income and sing the siren tune of unbelievable interest rates (because they were not real).
And now, like the cockroach sent scurrying from the light, he is running from Justice. I'm guessing he may be smart enough to go to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the USA (not guaranteed, but still possible) - which are, for the most part, poor, 3rd-world countries. I'm also guessing the FBI have his accounts frozen, so I hope he had the foresight to stash some funny money into an account that he can still access from whatever straw-thatched hut he's living in now.
In any case, I'm sure he'll be living la vida loca for $2/day for the foreseeable future, unless he's stupid enough to get himself caught for something (not impossible either). Fugitive from justice sure gives you time to reflect on how not smart you actually were when you decided that scamming people with false claims and newfangled non-tech was a good idea. Of course, it gives you time, but the intelligence to recognize that doesn't come giftwrapped with it.