back to article Microsoft's 10,000 job cuts didn't quite do the trick

The 10,000 jobs Microsoft said it would prune from the corporation in January are done, but fresh filings with US state officials show the bloodletting continues. A WARN notice posted in Washington shows 276 being let go in the state alone, but the global total is likely to be much higher and the cuts are much more widespread …

  1. Omnipresent Bronze badge

    "The next few years...

    Will be very difficult as we make this transition, but when we come out the other side we will have AI."

    - Nadella

    1. Woodnag

      "workforce adjustments are a necessary and regular part of managing our business"

      Who wants to join a company which regards layoffs as a standard ongoing practice?

      With a contract outlining a nice severance package, perhaps...

    2. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

      Re: "The next few years...

      Probably could have avoided 9,998 or 9,999 of those cuts & saved more money with just one or two well-placed cuts at the top.

  2. localzuk

    Massively profitable company

    Oh no, our ENORMOUS profits aren't big enough, lets sack loads of the people that earn us those profits so we see a very short term bump in profit, but then see a long term reduction due to loss of knowledge and skills...

    1. UCAP Silver badge

      Re: Massively profitable company

      AI will make up the difference, and won't need paying. AI has magic powers and can do anything.

      1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: Massively profitable company

        AI has magic powers and can do anything

        Bet it can't make a really good cup of tea..

        1. localzuk

          Re: Massively profitable company

          Well, the UK govt thinks so, as they intend to use it to do all sorts of things like process asylum applications and benefits cases. Its a magic button.

    2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Massively profitable company

      "loads of the people that earn us those profits"

      Either those people were earning the profits, in which case how do they make profits in the future, or they weren't in which case why were they employing them in the first place and wouldn't it make sense to start with the most highly paid of them?

      1. Spazturtle Silver badge

        Re: Massively profitable company

        "or they weren't in which case why were they employing them in the first place and wouldn't it make sense to start with the most highly paid of them?"

        Microsoft and Google have been hiring people and assigning them to pointless projects just to dry up the pool of engineers so that start ups have nobody to hire. Now that interest rates have shot up and startups can't get investment they no longer need to do this.

        1. localzuk

          Re: Massively profitable company

          An odd attitude if true, considering both companies have been getting most of their innovations from buying start-ups.

          Alphabet have bought 256 companies since 2001. Microsoft have bought 219, and taken stakes in 15 more.

    3. druck Silver badge

      Re: Massively profitable company

      but then see a long term reduction due to loss of knowledge and skills

      Have you not see Microsoft products in the last decade? That's already come home to roost.

      1. RegGuy1 Silver badge

        Re: Massively profitable company

        But they still put that fucking virus on all laptops. On any new laptop I get I *immediately* blow away the crap and put Linux on there, as I haven't used Windows for donkey's years (2007, I think).

        But I can't find any way to get a refund. Cunts.

        1. Zack Mollusc

          Re: Massively profitable company

          Just think of it as an indicator of quality.

          If it supports the latest windows, you know there must be plenty of cores and cycles and RAMs to run the crappy badly-optimised code, there must be plenty of storage for the bloated install and the comms is reliably stable for dumping petabytes of telemetry.

      2. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: Massively profitable company

        They're just waiting till ReactOS is finished then they'll buy it out.

  3. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

    So they're making massive profits and laying people off. That's not really a sensible solution - eventually you get overstretched and you can't maintain services any more.

    If they're not careful they'll hit a tipping point, people start leaving and they can't maintain the services and the quality slips, the services slip. Seeing it now with Twitter, wonder how many people M$ needs to fire before they start circling the drain too?

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      "the quality slips, the services slip"


      1. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

        Variable by service and product.

        Just off the top of my head in Microsoft's case that would probably be poorer quality of testing, leading to more bugs hitting production, more security alerts, slower turnaround on patching. More outages for Azure. Data loss in databases running on MSSQL.

        In Twitter's case, outages, flaky APIs, users complaining of tweets double posting or not posting at all.

        In the end - in all cases - users losing confidence in the brand and actively looking for alternatives. (In Twitter's case Mastodon, in Reddit's Lemmy/Raddle/etc)

    2. 43300 Silver badge

      Quality slipped a long time ago at MS - their standards are pretty abysmal. I get notification emails nearly every day os some 'service degradation' in one service or another, often caused by some 'code change'.

      1. Bond007

        Microsh1te don't give a toss about quality, as Windows 10 (and possibly 8) prove that. They just seem to throw out any old crap, and let their user base deal with it.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    we have productivity problems

    In the UK and US there is always talk about the lack of productivity....

    why is productivity so low? Why are people leaving the workplace early?

    Then you read things like this and Reddits antiwork subs and you realise that only a lunatic would actually do anything past the minimum for their employer.

    Why bother working your backside off when you know you can be made redundant on a whim, probably by an HR bod whose scoring you on some random chart & doesn't count the times you worked until 2 am as actual "work"

    1. cookieMonster Silver badge

      Re: we have productivity problems

      I generally don’t upvote Anonymous never mind comment, but yeah exactly.

      Have a beer, its Tuesday afternoon.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: we have productivity problems

      Its main reason I ended up becoming a contractor - exactly the same job secuirty, more money, less corporate

      The destruction of employment rights (and rewards for hard work) has lead to the destruction of productivity

    3. Filippo Silver badge

      Re: we have productivity problems

      I'm not sure about the UK and US, but around here the problem isn't people leaving the workplace early. It's people being in the workplace and look like they are working, while actually doing very little. In some places where the chair-warming culture is toxic enough, some people actually stay for unpaid overtime in the office - often after having spent half the day faffing around, or unable to work due to everyone else faffing around.

      1. localzuk

        Re: we have productivity problems

        Not only that, but those people get celebrated for being in the office so much. Even though they do less than the more efficient/effective employees, who work their hours and go home.

        Companies have set themselves up to fail with their obsession with presenteeism.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: we have productivity problems

          One company I worked for back in the late 1980s incentivised stay-at-work by providing free meals for those who stayed to 8:30pm. Of course, some stayed till then, ate their free tea, went back to desk for 10 mins and buggered off home.

          1. Filippo Silver badge

            Re: we have productivity problems

            Similar, but more insidious: I have a friend who works in a place where everyone goes to have a beer together after work. Sounds good? Not so much, once you consider that this happens roughly at 19.00, when the place closes. My friend's work hours end at 17.00.

            Of course, you don't have to participate, and you don't have to work between 17 and 19... But if he goes home, he gets labeled as unfriendly, distant, not sociable, poor team player - what kind of misanthrope doesn't want to have a beer with colleagues? And if he stays, well, there's nothing to do but work, and even if he tried to do something else, someone would come asking for a hand for "just a quick thing" anyway.

            This sort of crap ought to be purged by fire.

    4. martinusher Silver badge

      Re: we have productivity problems

      If its any consolation we've been having productivity problems since I first entered the workforce. I'm now retired.

      The problem is that you can never do too much or be paid too little as far as the bean counters are concerned.

    5. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

      Re: we have productivity problems


      "In the UK and US there is always talk about the lack of productivity....

      why is productivity so low?"

      Heres something to ponder....

      At work cell #7 is old and a PITA(not helped by spilling its guts all over the floor this morning.. god I love struggling to replace split hydraulic oil pipes) but when it works it runs 16 hrs a day doing the work of 3-4 people, however a rival company might employ those 4 people at min wage and 4 older machine tools for less than the cost of cell #7 , they output about the same... so the beancounters would say "why bother buying a machining cell when using the old method will output the same?, plus when things get slack we can just fire the operators"

      thus our productivity per person is higher than the rival company, but they can work out cheaper.

      Check out history

      Hiero of Alexandria made a steam engine...... so why did the greeks/romans not take that idea and make a steam powered grain milling machine

      because it was cheaper and easier to buy 10 slaves and get them to do it.

  5. daflibble

    Waste money on marketing with one hand, fire engineers with the other.

    They could be saving a fortune by not wasting time and effort rebranding AzureAD as entra.

    1. 43300 Silver badge

      Re: Waste money on marketing with one hand, fire engineers with the other.

      I wasn't aware that was coming, but found details now. FFS - how about they spend the time on things which actually matter rather than pointless rebranding?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Waste money on marketing with one hand, fire engineers with the other.

        Please post your complaint on your company's Viva Engage, sorry, Yammer page.

      2. the Jim bloke

        Re: Waste money on marketing with one hand, fire engineers with the other.

        Rebranding is never pointless.

        It demonstrates that the coloured pencil brigade is contributing value to the business, and should be exempt from any downsizing, unlike support, development, or QA, who only cause problems and bad publicity.

  6. disgruntled yank

    The answer is obvious

    Clearly, they haven't given the CEO a sufficiently large bonus.

  7. joeldillon

    '2023 now has the "second-highest total for the sector ever" with only 2001, the year of the "tech bubble" recession, having more. That year, 168,395 cuts were announced in technology.'

    Well, we're only halfway through July so seems quite likely we'll have more than that by the end of this year.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Been a long time coming

    They conducted some risky experiments and their hypotheses got falsified. It is now to undo the damage.

    Firstly, will they finally fire all the “developer advocates” running those pointless, unwanted livestreams and podcasts with less than 2k views? Microsoft spent the last 5 years emulating the attitude of Google while producing content befitting of a community Linux distro, and it just doesn’t fit what they do in any way, shape or form. Those with any common sense stick to APIs Microsoft makes available with the operating system, not the new fangled stuff which needs replacing every couple of years, which is why nobody watches this crap.

    Secondly, they wasted boatloads of money on fruitless social media opportunities which could have been better spent poaching even B-tier university students. In the real world, people want tried, tested and true technologies advocated for by no-nonsense corporates with the backing of highly talented (yet socially inept) computer programmers. If it doesn’t come from Dave’s Garage, we don’t want it. Anything else can be had elsewhere for a much cheaper price.

    Finally, they’re still wasting boatloads of money on offering services people neither want nor will they ever pay for. Bundling won’t change that. Clipchamp is inferior to every free editing tool out there, kill it or make it FOSS but without the cloudy nonsense. Yammer Enterprise is as dead as Google+ and whatever value Sway has needs to be ingested into PowerPoint.

    1. 43300 Silver badge

      Re: Been a long time coming

      "Finally, they’re still wasting boatloads of money on offering services people neither want nor will they ever pay for. Bundling won’t change that. Clipchamp is inferior to every free editing tool out there, kill it or make it FOSS but without the cloudy nonsense. Yammer Enterprise is as dead as Google+ and whatever value Sway has needs to be ingested into PowerPoint."

      Not to mention that thing called 'Teams' in W11, which isn't Teams as most people understand it.

      I've yet to come across anyone who uses the fake-teams - consumer-to-consumer user chat seems to be the target market, but there are already loads of players in that space and something as generally shite and ill-conceived as this isn't going to make any impression!

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