back to article BT CEO Jansen confirms he's quitting within 12 months

BT’s CEO Philip Jansen today fired the starting gun on the race to find his successor by confirming he intends to stand down from his role inside 12 months, ending what some have branded a “rollercoaster” tenure. The former British state-owned telco told the London Stock Exchange that it is well prepared for succession …

  1. Sir Sham Cad

    FTTP via BT Retail

    If only they could integrate other services sufficiently so that I can get it on EEEEEEEEE. I watched the fibre being installed outside my house but I can't have it!

    1. Adam JC

      Re: FTTP via BT Retail

      EE supply FTTP through the Openreach network, so if you're unable to get it either the buildout hasn't finished yet, or BT's absolute shambles of a records database isn't up to date.

      Worth giving them a call if you can see the CBT on the telegraph pole outside your house :-)

  2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "Jansen is also the architect of planned upheaval at BT, much of which will happen after he's gone"

    Upheavals cutting various numbers of staff have been BAU at BT for decades, e.g. a decision that they didn't nee to run a mobile phone system. Surely this couldn't have anything to do with the fact that customer numbers keep falling, could it?

    1. nzred

      Not having a mobile phone network was imposed by the regulator OFTEL

  3. trevorde Silver badge

    Next BT CEO

    Dido Harding

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Next BT CEO

      Nah. Boris Johnson would bring much needed gravitas and integrity to the job.

  4. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge


    "Jansen won't, however, be remembered for driving shareholder value, with BT's current 122p share price barely half what it was when he joined,

    1. R Soul Silver badge

      Re: Praxis

      Exactly. He's been an utter failure: fibre targets unmet, profits and share price down, workforce demoralised and shafted, etc. Yet somehow that justified a 30% raise on his 7 figure salary. Could anyone be worth that sort of pay package for fucking up so badly?

      Just piss off Jansen. Hope the door hits you on the arse on the way out.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Praxis

        He's just a comrade bringing down the capitalist system from the inside

  5. that one in the corner Silver badge

    anticipates using AI in customer services

    So we won't get any answers to "when are coming to fix the bleeping thing", but no problem getting a precis of an obscure children's book or ten lines of non-working Fortran.

  6. nzred

    look after the pennies

    As a former shareholder (and employee) I wish the shares had ever been GBP (pounds) 100+, rather than pence

    1. Roland6 Silver badge

      Re: look after the pennies

      The shares do seem to have been declining since around the time they sold off mmO2.

      Even allowing for this the shares have performed poorly, originally being priced at 130p in 1984…

    2. Tom 7

      Re: look after the pennies

      I wonder if his BT pension comes from the same neglected fund ours does!

  7. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

    Strange. Running away before the takeover by Altice and inevitable golden parachute? Or maybe he's got fed up of waiting for them to press the big red button marked "takeover"?

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Fop haired wanker

    Their former CEO - and fop-haired wanker - Gavin Patterson would probably be happy to take his old job back after being turfed out by Salesforce.

    Whilst a terrible CEO, he was less shite than Jansen.

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