I finally got my letter in the post yesterday. They certainly dragged their heels over this.
They also offered me the usual free Experian membership for a year. I feel so much safer now.
Capita has informed some of its employees that its own pension fund was among the victims of a cybercrime attack on its system, resulting in the theft of their personal details, they say. The technology outsourcing company – running contracts worth hundreds of millions in the UK – let workers know their addresses, pension …
Want to rent a flat in the US? You have to give the rental agent permission to both check and send your credit info from/to one or all of the big three credit-reporting agencies there. It's in the "standard form".
When all rentals use this form, your "choice" is to give up the info, or live in a fucking tent somewhere. Or to buy a house, which requires you give up even more private info (your tax returns) to the bank -- allegedly, to prove you are not a criminal using ill-gotten gains to buy the house.
It will fuck up its own employees just as readily as it will fuck up its customers and their employees.
That said, its About page needs to be updated. As usual, after such an event followed by months of silence, any blurb mentioning honesty and transparency needs to be followed by an asterisk sending to a paragraph stating "As much as our legal and marketing departments are okay with that".
They are talking 3 million plus people with compromised information from the pension schemes alone, and this will cost only £6 each?
Included in the list are exceptionally well paid USS members who will have access to quality legal assistance. The bill will surely be higher, by millions.
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Many years back I used Yahoo! Messenger. A few days back I received a cheque for $61 as part of its settlement for etc. etc., for which I had not bothered to claim...
Many years since I had seen a cheque in Britain; but not unwelcome.
Also as a form of Lend-Lease, is the Russian War Effort mostly funded by western firms with crap security ?
... on the dark web.
>The letter said the tech company had hired a consultant to check data had not been sold on the dark web.
So that's OK then. Just like if someone holds a gun to your head: your're totally safe if an expert can find no evidence that the trigger has already been pulled.