Cultural appropriation....
'We've not seen "tribe" on this sort of language list before. The INI wants it gone on grounds it "is a term that can be associated with colonialism or can be considered cultural appropriation"'
Tell that to the world doing "Octoberfests", and dressing up as Bavarians (not Germans!), and carricatures of Bavarians on top (and actually only from a small part of Bavaria). Can we have that banned? It mocks my (ok, I was born in a place that while being part of Bavaria poliltically is a relatively new addition to the state) cultural heritage, and carricatures Germans (not that there are not many things to mock Germans about, but still).
OK, I'm joking, but I still think it is super strange that people run around in canvas "leather" trousers, with cardboard "felt" hats. It feels like a Bavaria-LARP, and not a good one. At least give it a try to wear you own traditional garb, in Norway having a "bunad" (traditional dress / suite) is actually relatively common. Though that might be quite surreal, having e.g. people in traditional Japanese clothing to turn up to a Tokyo-Oktoberfest (if they have one....).