back to article Palantir's deals with NHS England top £60M – without competition

The NHS has awarded US spy-tech firm Palantir a £24.9 million ($31.7 million) deal to cover the one-year transition, from June 12, 2023, to a new £480 million ($611 million) data platform. The controversial competition to provide that half-billion-pound platform is set to conclude in September. NHS England, the health …

  1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    If this is a "must win" platform ...

    Palantir should be paying the NHS £350M/week for our medical records.

    1. t245t Silver badge
      Big Brother

      Re: If this is a "must win" platform ...

      > Palantir should be paying the NHS £350M/week for our medical records.

      The NHS is paying £480 million to Palantir to give them our medical records.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Palantir needs to fuck off and die like it's founder

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I welcome our Palantir overlords

      ps. I'm not the same anonymous coward as the other anonymous coward but you know who we all are anyway

  3. EnviableOne

    they still dont get it

    The FDP opt-out is not compatible with GDPR

    where in order for your data to be processed, you need to provide informed consent, and deemed consent is not valid, as it was under the old DPA.

    we need a UK version of noyb and consumer hero Max Schrems to take them on

    1. X5-332960073452

      Re: they still dont get it

      Whilst I agree, from previous comments on the subject, I believe it's covered by one (or more) "exemptions"

    2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: they still dont get it

      >The FDP opt-out is not compatible with GDPR

      If you don't like what the government is doing with your data you can just complain to the government or ask the government if you can take the government to court

      Good job we don't have any foreign busy-bodies telling our government what they can do anymore !

  4. This post has been deleted by its author

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