back to article Time is running out to finish that slurp of Outlook Moca

That didn't take long. Relatively speaking, anyway. Microsoft has drained the Moca cup for Outlook. In August 2020 Microsoft introduced Project Moca, a central hub where Microsoft 365 users could gather and organize tasks, events, files, links, contacts, and other information collected from the myriad sources that Microsoft's …

  1. OhForF' Silver badge


    "With all the tools, documents, files, and links that your team needs, it's easy to feel overwhelmed,"

    Yet another attempt to fix bad organization by improved technology? Unless you already know what you are searching for or make a lucky guess at the search terms you won't find the information you need.

    The easy solution of defining a structure and informing the team where to put which type of information is too much work for managers so we throw ever advanced technology (and of course AI) at it.

    1. Stu 18

      Re: Loophole - Good tools solve real problems

      As an ancient outdated hack I can't help but start with 'in the old days it was better...' yes it wasn't on the cloud and available from Russia, but then in my experience sensible don't do their reports while bathing the kids after hours. I absolutely hate all the crapware in the name of efficiency dreamed up by huddles in Microsoft that clearly have never worked in a small business or had to configure or use any of it. Worst of all, if you do 'drink the cool aide' as above its likely they will kill it off randomly one day and you force a complete redo.

      Don't even get me started on the lock in effect, I can't sell a business an alternative to the onedrive/teams/sharepoint garbage since they are already spending a fortune monthly on m365 so we may as well use those things as well. (I appreciate if you spend even more money for specialists / consultants / inhouse expertise then sharepoint might be right for you - I'm talking about 5-20 person SMBs that would be far better off with a simple shared drive.

    2. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: Loophole

      "Yet another attempt to fix bad organization by improved technology?"

      I've run into that over and over. Since my first degree was in electronics and I've been a sparky since I was a wee lad, organizing my ever increasing inventory of small parts has been a never ending task. The first hurdle was evolving a system that worked and made sense not only to me, but others working with me. That's been a very good lesson in organizing stuff in general. Once you have that, computerizing that system becomes a dawdle. Thinking that some computer/application is going to get any of that done from scratch is deluded thinking. When I worked on rockets, the company's SVN repository was a huge mess. Things got committed that should have never been. Nobody put any thought into logical trees so it would be easy to see at a glance where a document should be saved and therefore lead to a manual on how to use the repository correctly instead of everybody just making it up as they saw fit.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Wot! MS doing a Google and retiring things too soon?

    Shirley not.

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Wot! MS doing a Google and retiring things too soon?

      Where do you think Google learned it?

      They were doing this long before Google.

  3. YetAnotherXyzzy

    This is why, when I worked at a Microsoft shop, I studiously avoided all the new-shiny-toy-of-the-day stuff Redmond promoted in popups and my more naive colleagues loved to let themselves be distracted with. Most of them were bound to be killed off anyway.

  4. Abominator

    Outlook these days is a bag of shite. It gets increasingly worse.

    Search does not even fucking work. The stupid thing is it has about 10 ways of searching and they are all broken.

    Microsoft simply do not test their shit and some cock master there is always wanting to reinvent the GUI, but each time they do so they leave it unfinished.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I have to agree. My Outlook was crashing this morning. Refused to behave until I acknowledged the reminders (4 of). Crashed by reminders ffs!

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