Using Snap comes at a cost
The management of Snap that goes on in the background is not free... ie, it uses CPU cycles.
This is the output of /var/log/messages that contain the word 'snap'. This is an Alma Linux system that runs a wordpress site. Snap is used to manage the 'certbot' key renewal process.
Why does it need to check to often for updates?
Seeing all this has made me very anti-SNAP.
With previous versions of certbot, your ran a cron script every week. The key was renewed well before expiry. It worked and was very simple. Now we get this crap sandwich.
Jun 8 12:18:02 TSE snapd[31695]: storehelpers.go:769: cannot refresh: snap has no updates available: "certbot", "core", "core20"
Jun 8 12:18:02 TSE snapd[31695]: autorefresh.go:551: auto-refresh: all snaps are up-to-date
Jun 8 20:03:03 TSE snapd[31695]: storehelpers.go:769: cannot refresh: snap has no updates available: "certbot", "core", "core20"
Jun 8 20:03:03 TSE snapd[31695]: autorefresh.go:551: auto-refresh: all snaps are up-to-date
Jun 8 21:28:02 TSE systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application certbot.renew...
Jun 8 21:28:03 TSE systemd[1]: snap.certbot.renew.service: Succeeded.
Jun 8 21:28:03 TSE systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application certbot.renew.
Jun 9 05:53:02 TSE snapd[31695]: storehelpers.go:769: cannot refresh: snap has no updates available: "certbot", "core", "core20"
Jun 9 05:53:02 TSE snapd[31695]: autorefresh.go:551: auto-refresh: all snaps are up-to-date
Jun 9 08:25:00 TSE systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application certbot.renew...
Jun 9 08:25:01 TSE systemd[1]: snap.certbot.renew.service: Succeeded.
Jun 9 08:25:01 TSE systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application certbot.renew.
Jun 9 08:33:02 TSE snapd[31695]: storehelpers.go:769: cannot refresh: snap has no updates available: "certbot", "core", "core20"
Jun 9 08:33:02 TSE snapd[31695]: autorefresh.go:551: auto-refresh: all snaps are up-to-date
Jun 9 11:53:34 TSE systemd[158479]: Listening on REST API socket for snapd user session agent.
By contrast, this is the output for 'flatpack'
Jun 7 08:30:19 TSE systemd[7834]: Starting flatpak document portal service...
Jun 7 08:30:19 TSE systemd[7834]: Started flatpak document portal service.
Those entries were made when the system rebooted after an update to the kernel.
When I build the next iteration of this server I will do everything possible NOT to let SNAP anywhere near the system. It is 1,000,000,000 steps backward IMHO.
The people responsible for this POS in Canonical can go suck on this --> [see icon]