Should the Aussies be proud or ashamed?
Australian cyber-op attacked ISIL with the terrifying power of Rickrolling
Australia's Signals Directorate, the signals intelligence organization, has revealed it employed zero-click attacks on devices used by fighters for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) – then unleashed the terrifying power of Rick Astley. The documentary, BREAKING the CODE: Cyber Secrets Revealed, reveals that the …
Tuesday 6th June 2023 08:31 GMT eldakka
Re: the terrifying power of Rick Astley.
> I thought that was banned under the Geneva Conventions?
It is -see the section on torture.
But the Geneva Conventions only apply between soverign states, it does not apply to things like rebellions, civil wars, insurgencies. I think ISIL is regarded as an insurgency, not a soverign nation, therefore the Geneva Conventions do not apply.