"The panel only analyzed unclassified events"
More fodder for the conspiracy loons, then? Perhaps trying to get some of the more vocal nutjobs off the politics thing?
"if you see something odd, you're not a loon for letting Uncle Sam know."
But PLEASE, for gawd/ess's sake learn how to make a reliable report! And try not to look/act/sound like a fucking nutjob while you are doing it.
"The current existing data and eyewitness reports alone are insufficient to provide conclusive evidence about the nature and origin of every UAP event,"
And yet virtually every man.woman and child in the Western Hemisphere has had access to a digital camera 24/7 this last decade and a half ... and yet the numbers haven't climbed appreciably since the 1980s[0]. Gut feeling? There is nothing odd to be seen.
[0] The numbers cycle quite obviously with the government babbling about it. This has been true since the late '40s, at least.