Assigning Traffic To A Real Person Can Be Made Difficult.....
This article and these comments fail to make a useful distiction:
- namely the snoops need to be able to attach an identity (i.e. a real person) to a physical end point
(1) Buy an unlocked phone
(2) Buy a SIM and some minutes for cash at a convenience store
(3) Go to a public place (say the middle of Hampstead Heath), install the SIM
(4) Install the minutes; switch off the phone
You now have a burner which has no real person to identify with the phone.
Then there's laptops. For traffic NOT IDENTIFIABLE to the actual person on the endpoint:
(5) Internet cafes (or some other hijacked WiFi access point)
(6) Or perhaps the burner (see items #1 through 4) could be used as a 4G hotspot
(7) Encrypted messaging using peer-to-peer communication can help too
More sophisticated schemes might involve VPN use.
But, of course, although the "burner end" might be anonymous, it's always possible that the other end might be a problem!
Still....snoops reading the traffic might have a very hard time assigning the traffic to a real person.
Just saying!