back to article Ads for lucrative jobs in Asia fail to mention chance of slavery as crypto-scammer

The FBI has issued a warning about fake job ads that recruit workers into forced labor operations in Southeast Asia – some of which enslave visitors and force them to participate in cryptocurrency scams. The warning follows reports of multi-storey slave compounds housing unwilling workers in places like Cambodia, and comes …

  1. Teejay

    This is really horrible.

    1. Triggerfish

      Yeah it's actually bit of a problem out here, and frankly being made to work for scam calls is the lighter side of what can happen.

  2. RPF

    The Cambodian government are possibly worse than the gangs. They basically kidnap foreigners and then extort release money from them, as well.

    1. Diogenes


      Is what my son called it after a week at Ankor Wat.

  3. Ozan

    I'm not in IT but I always check out any job offer before I even say HI in email. Too common.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    cryptocurrency scams

    Don't be so redundantly redundant!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    > GASO also found the compounds are largely owned by businesses based in China

    > Governments in various countries, including China..., have issued similar advisories

    Issuing advisories is the minimum effort required to appear opposed to this kind of slavery. Shutting down the slave traders operating in your own territory would demonstrate actual opposition. But the CCP engages in forced labour of their own population on their own territory already, so I'm not surprised they're turning a blind eye to slavery being done overseas. The companies involved almost certainly have party members at the top, since that's pretty much a requirement if a Chinese company wants to do business overseas.

    1. Youngone

      I live in a a country that you probably think of as being civilised and democratic, but our entire agriculture and horticulture industries are reliant on a very similar scam.

      In our case, the farmers complain that they're unable to find local workers willing to work so the government creates visa categories that enable the farmers to bring in hundreds of people (mostly from south East Asia) to work in their businesses with the promise of high wages so that they can send money home.

      What actually happens is that the workers are paid less than minimum wage (this is allowed in the visa category) and have to pay their own expenses, so there is no money to send home.

      We ought to be ashamed of ourselves, but we're not for some reason.

      1. Wexford

        I live in Western Australia and this is familiar practice, if not the exact thing we've dealt with only recently. If I recall, it was indentured Vietnamese workers on a farm in the northern suburbs (Wanneroo).

      2. unimaginative

        "In our case, the farmers complain that they're unable to find local workers willing to work so the government creates visa categories that enable the farmers to bring in hundreds of people"

        Sounds familiar, here in the UK.

        East Europeans were cheap labour who did not know their rights for a long time.

        There are also very large numbers of illegal immigrants that there has never been any real effort to remove, for similar reasons. People only even notice when something happens (several die at once, or similar)

        1. kennicctwd

          I have been an East European worker in the UK and I was very well aware of my rights. They just dont exist. 0 hour contracts do not give you any rights, you can not vote, etc. Once I fell out of jobs and tried to get benefits after over 5 years of paying tax and got told to fuck off back to Europe...

          Still I had it realitvely good, as ollegal imigrants work in unsafe wearhouses for less then minimjm wage, so I guess I should be greatful.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "owned by businesses based in China and are common in Myanmar, Laos, Dubai, the Philippines, and Malaysia."

    where human life has the smallest value in the world stage. The world needs batman, clearly jesus and mohmad and giant boy detective gave up on humans and left the planet long ago.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Notice the 'illegal'

    We hear a lot about migrants, digital nomads and the like these days with the discussions only touching peripherally on details like visas, often in the context of "isn't it terrible?" or something like that. The fact is that all countries have visa requirements and residency regulations and if you ignore them then you're going to fall foul of their law. Countries may have exceptions for some types of workers or maybe just turn a blind eye but this is likely to be for a privileged group of nomads who are paying their way using hard currency.

    The consequences of flouting immigration law in many countries is considerably harsher than it is in the US or UK. Some countries like China may just kick you out quietly and not allow you back. Other countries can land you in a bureaucratic maze where you might with you were just plain jailed. Other countries might not have much of an incentive to do anything with you except lock you up and wait for someone to produce some money (and some don't even bother locking you up -- without papers you're not going to be able to do anything except stave to death quietly).

  8. Naich

    It's a holiday in Cambodia.

    It's tough kid, but it's life...

  9. Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

    The modern slave trade

    It is happening right here in the good ol' US of A and is being facilitated but our own government.

    Migrant children, women and men are being forced into indentured servitude by the Cartels and our government is actively making this all possible.

    But those of us who want to stop the flow of illegal migrants are called cruel and racist!

    1. Wexford

      Re: The modern slave trade

      That's because you want to stop immigration for cruel and racist reasons. If you really cared you'd be protesting the kids locked up in cages.

      Stop trying to put lipstick on a pig.

  10. Securitymoose

    The reverse of people trafficking in the UK

    It's just a variation on what they tell the poor folks looking for a better life over here, who end up in farms, factories and prostitution. Trafficking is illegal in any country. What are the Cambodian authorities doing about it?

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