back to article North Korea shows off surveillance satellite it claims it can launch

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has shown off the pariah state's first surveillance satellite. Military Reconnaissance Satellite No. 1 was showcased on Wednesday by state newswire KCNA – sadly without any details about the orbiter's capabilities. Kim declared "The successful launch of a military reconnaissance satellite is an …

  1. SW10
    Thumb Up

    The old romantic…

    …naming the satellite after his wife

  2. Potemkine! Silver badge

    The picture displays such a joie de vivre... how touching.

    1. notyetanotherid

      ... the picture also appears to show two folks inadequately gowned and masked for presence in a satellite integration cleanroom. Even if he does manage to get it up, so to speak, how long it will be able to perform thanks to his photo op, is presumably in question...

  3. tip pc Silver badge
    Big Brother

    Amazing they’ve been able to do this

    Given how backwards and insular North Korea is & is perceived, it’s amazing they can develop this kind of technology in country.

    Especially given all the sanctions they have imposed on them.

    I’m not supporting them, just wondering how they’ve been able to achieve these things under the conditions they are subjected to.

    1. ChoHag Silver badge

      Re: Amazing they’ve been able to do this


    2. Vometia has insomnia. Again.

      Re: Amazing they’ve been able to do this

      "I’m not supporting them, just wondering how they’ve been able to achieve these things under the conditions they are subjected to."

      In the case of its nuclear capability, ISTR the US helpfully published detailed plans of the UK's Magnox reactor and North Korea was all "TYVM, that'll do nicely".

    3. vtcodger Silver badge

      Re: Amazing they’ve been able to do this

      Not THAT amazing I think. The US and USSR were launching surviellence satellites in the early 1960s. That was six decades ago. Basically all you need is a BIG rocket. They've got that. A ground station or two. They can build those. And a bunch of stuff you can buy on Amazon or eBay. Or, more likely their Chinese equivalents (Alibaba and Taobao?). I imagine their first attempts won't work very well or at all. The first US and Soviet attempts probably didn't work all that well either. You wouldn't be all that surprised if the NKs built a truck or car. Which they do. A few tens of thousands every year. Satellites are the next logical step for their rocket program. Personally, I'd be a lot more worried about their building cruise missiles and selling them to folks we westerners don't like (and vice versa).

    4. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

      Re: Amazing they’ve been able to do this

      Given how backwards and insular North Korea is & is perceived, it’s amazing they can develop this kind of technology in country.

      The BBC podcast 'The Lazarus Heist' sheds light on this. In particular a recent episode from the second series explaining how things are procured from overseas in dubious ways, using money obtained by state-sponsored hacking.

    5. Jan 0

      Re: Amazing they’ve been able to do this

      Given how backwards and insular the USA is & is perceived*, it’s amazing they can develop this kind of technology in country. FTFY?

      * 30 million (?) people in trailer parks, lack of gun control, rampant illiteracy, etc. etc.

      Luckily they're not all like that and the same goes for North Korea

      1. Sub 20 Pilot

        Re: Amazing they’ve been able to do this

        Spot on.

        You forgot religious mania, a mediaeval view of women and abortions, aversion to sex while glorifying violence..

  4. Martin Summers

    I find it funny that the article devotes considerable time to how badly North Korea treats its citizens and states how this does nothing for their impoverished citizens. Well you could say that about any space launch in any country really couldn't you. India receives foreign aid for example and still spends money putting probes up. Like someone up above said, I'd love to know how the heck NK manage to get this far in the first place. Although I'm sure backing from the likes of China and considerable purloining of sensitive information has something to do with it.

    1. nijam Silver badge

      > could say that about any space launch in any country...

      Depends who they fund the work. If it is all done locally with the spending going on their own workers, or on products supplied from another DPK factory, then the funds are still sloshing around in their economy. If they're just buying it all in from China, or Iran, or wherever, then that's a different matter.

      As for doing anything for impoverished citizens, that's more about how the rest of their economy (using the word advisedly) works (also advisedly).

  5. Brian 3

    " sadly without any details about the orbiter's capabilities." - finally got his hands on that GoPro 11

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