Re: Pulling up the ladder
""a model that can persuade, manipulate, or influence a person's behavior, or a person's beliefs" - would that include basic chatbots, such as we've been seeing for a decade or so now?"
Try closer to five decades. We used ELIZA to influence which brand of soda sold out first in the coin machines at Tresidder Union, Stanford, mid 1970s.
"Would it include YouTube's recommendation algorithms?"
Of course.
"I am suspicious of an industry calling for itself to be regulated."
"Yes, surely it should be."
Should it? As it is, the technology is pretty much junk. Regulating it will stifle innovation, and in fact bring it to a grinding halt entirely. Which is going to happen anyway, once the general public, the shareholders (and the technological incompetents on Capitol Hill) realize they've been hoodwinked[0] and pull funding. The whole AI thing is about to go back on the back burner for a decade or so, do we really want enduring legislation ensuring nobody will pick it back up again in the future?
"But equally surely, we shouldn't be asking its own CEOs how to go about it."
We can ask all we like, but they are going to ignore us anyway, because The Royal They know better than everybody else. History has shown that industry in general ignores petty things like laws and regulations, looking at fines as just a cost of doing business.
[0] Current so-called "AI" is just brute-force pattern matching on a grand scale.