back to article US Dept of Transport security breach exposes info on a quarter-million people

A US Department of Transportation computer system used to reimburse federal government employees for commuting costs somehow suffered a security breach that exposed the personal info for 237,000 current and former workers. TRANServe – an electronic travel pass system managed by DoT, and used by many employees across the …

  1. MachDiamond Silver badge

    Credit monitoring

    When it gets to the point where everybody has lifetime free credit monitoring due to all of the "mistakes", what then? Will we all be safer financially? I'll wager that the bad guys will have reset the playing field yet again.

    I see this sort of reach for automation to be as bad as electronic voting. The old way worked and it was more difficult to do large scale manipulation. Many times adding a computer is only going to allow mistakes and fraud to be done at a much larger scale, faster and for much less money.

  2. An_Old_Dog Silver badge


    Bureaucrats won't give a rat's ass until the issue hits them in the pocketbooks, or possibly plumps up their pocketbooks.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Incentives

      You don't understand how government budgets and taxes work, do you?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If only there were more regulations, then private sector messes like this would be impossible.

    Oh, wait. OH! Wait.

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