The data you store in our cloudy appendages will be fondled.
Unless you (the consumer) has entered into some special non-sharing agreement. And unless your provider also has explicitly said that they will not share with *any* third party (including network and data services), your data will be examined. The robe will be removed, the probes will be inserted.
This is true for all the major vendors (Amazon, google, Microsoft/Azure, ...) Just today a story about how Microsoft actually opens password-protected zip files to look at the contents. That's getting pretty damn personal.
The USofA does have HIPAA (mostly written as if it's a large mammal: HIPPA) which protects (sort of) health information. Very poorly enforced and very hard to use.
Just to add the obligatory: As all of this data is munged together into these wonderful AI "models", your name, sex, last act, etc. may come bopping out - all without any way of attributing to any actual incoming data set.
Yee Haw - it's the wild west, again!