back to article T-Mobile US suffers second data theft within months

We'd say you'll never guess which telco admitted to a security breakdown last week, but you totally will: T-Mobile US, and for the second time (so far) this year. For those counting, this also makes the seventh incident in five years at the cellular provider – though this one is small compared to the 37 million subscribers …

  1. VoiceOfTruth

    Journalistic integrity?

    -> For T-Mobile customers wondering if they were affected, letters were mailed out on April 28, so if you haven't received one you're probably fine.

    Is that really good enough? You are writing about a company which failed to protect its customers' data. How about at changing that word 'probably' to something a little less positive? How about a little more skepticism when it it comes to these repeated data breaches? Where is the indignation? You are letting T-Mobile off the hook far too lightly.

    The article reads almost like a press release. 'T-Mobile has had tens of millions of customer records compromised over the years.' I could write that Mars has sold tens of millions of Mars bars over the years. Both are true statements, but one is negative and the other positive. Come one, el Reg.

    1. Claptrap314 Silver badge

      Re: Journalistic integrity?

      The law requires that each individual be notified. Source: I did my annual training two weeks ago.

  2. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

    I worked for them... twice

    I worked for them twice over a 10yr period... the first for their mobile arm when it was one2one at the end of the 90's into the early 2000's and again for the T-systems side of their parent company at the end of the 2000's.

    Can confirm that their general attitude towards security was lacklustre for their staff and buildings, so not at all surprised that their actual IT security is just as lacklustre... Given how ignorant some of the 'managers' were about how things operated and that they let the bean counters call the shots.

    I'm just surprised it took a further 12yrs to happen.

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: I worked for them... twice

      I've said it before and I'll keep on saying it: NEVER let the bean counters run your company.

  3. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "as of now, we have no evidence indicating any information involved has been used for financial fraud or identity theft."

    This, of course, is just basic weaselling.

    "as of now, we have no evidence indicating any information involved will not be used for financial fraud or identity theft." would be equally valid.

    On the whole it sounds like they're just hoping for the best. Is that just a continuation of their infosec approach?

    1. hayzoos

      Like a blind man saying he has never seen any jaywalkers. Hoping one assumes nobody jaywalks.

      These PR statements are not worth the electrons used to disseminate them.

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