Let me tell you about the ADA in California..
In 1990 the Federal government signed the Americans With Disabilities Act in to law. Which set the usual level of proof with civil cases like this.
Then a few years later a bunch of (Democratic) Assembly members in Sacramento decided that the ADA was different - they passed a law which changed the normal civil litigation evidence rules so that it basically made it impossible for the plaintiff to lose an ADA case. No matter how frivolous, stupid or outright fraudulent the complaint might be. Result over the decades is a deluge of ADA cases, many tens of thousands, and not only do literally 99% of them have no merit but a good 90% plus are outright fraudulent. A shakedown of one form or another.
Due to the way the state law is written even though it is obvious that a lawyer is filling dozens / hundreds of fraudulent ADA cases with patsy "disabled" people as the nominal plaintiff it is impossible to file a complaint with the state bar, have the lawyer disbarred, and prosecuted. I can think of one lawyer in Marin County who made millions of dollars through fraudulent ADA lawsuits over several decades. (he has now retired to Nevada). If the lawyer had tried this type of fraud in any other area, such as insurance or workmans comp, he would have gone to jail many years ago. But with ADA cases its impossible to prosecute lawyers who bring fraudulent lawsuits. As the law is worded and interpreted in case law in the state of California.
Just trying to remember the last genuine ADA lawsuit in the state. Would have been about 20 years ago. The person bringing the lawsuit had a genuine grievance and the case had real merit. The rest, all fraud. Or one form or other.
And thats what "good intentions", bad decisions by lower court judges, and a badly drafted law gets you. Just like with GDPR.