How many times?
Do I have to say it? Seriously, how many times.
You elected the Jimmy Saville Appreciation Society into power for almost my entire life. The last three fuhrer(in) haven't even been technically elected (including the government you can put your Truss in - thank you Pterry) and you think you're going to get a government that has a collective IQ over room temperature?
You think you're going to get good teachers, a good NHS, a good ANYTHING? I remember when I was 17 screaming at a teacher to the point she was in tears because she stood there and admitted she didn't understand what she was teaching, the college sacked the stupid cow, and we got a decent teacher.. And the *SECOND * my class left, they rehired her.
I am fighting hyper aggressive breast cancer, my chemo has been delayed multiple times. I have missed treatments because Brexit - unavailability of Nab-Paclitaxel - I have dealt with oncologists so out of date it might as well be 1985. I am not going to beat this, because my treatment is shite, the surgeons good but the chemotherapy side is still using 1950s drugs...and they're even managing to overdose people with radiotherapy which shouldn't even be possible... Because crap kit and crappier training.
Be happy, Brexiteers, you've helped kill people, congrats.
Because every single ----ing time all the Tories have to do is say "here's a tax cut". Duh-mocracy is the bed you've made and now we're all lying in it. Thanks for that.
Teachers aren't going to do their job if they don't feel valued. They aren't going to be good at it when their stressed out of their minds about how to feed their kids. Ditto nurses. And then you whine that they want kids that don't look like extras from Schindlers list. Well here's the problem. You voted for the tories, the tories trashed everything, destroyed morale, destroyed health, destroyed everything they could get their mits on. AND YOU BLAME THE NURSES/TEACHERS etc... YOU are to blame, not them.
And the best part, there isn't even a viable option. The whole edifice is rotten to the core. Starmers about as much use as a chocolate dildo and I don't even remember who's in charge of the Liberals...
YOU DON'T GET TO WHINGE when you could have stopped it, at any time in the last 45 years , when it's the result of your actions but thank you so much because there's a very good chance your selfish decisions and greed will be the reason I die instead of recovering.
Thanks so much.