Proper sailing spaceship????
The traditional images I've seen of solar sails are basically like giant parachutes, and as I understand it, they can accelerate only in the direction of the solar wind, directly away from the sun. However it should be possible to use a mast and spars, just like in a sailing ship, to hold the sail at an angle and therefore be able to accelerate in a diagonal (away from the sun but not directly away, having a bit of sideways component). Given the lack of gravity and the minuscule forces involved, it should be able to work with extremely large 'masts' and 'spars' without reaching forces large enough to break them - the limit would be more how much you can fold / unfold them.
I wonder if it would also be possible to tack 'downwind' so to speak i.e. diagonally towards the sun. In real sailing this works because the full sail acts like a wing, using the Bernoulli principle of lower pressure where airflow velocity is higher. Since the solar 'wind' is essentially a stream of particles, however tiny they are, would the Bernoulli principle still work??