back to article Cloud projects keep being postponed amid economic uncertainty

OVH has clipped financial targets to reflect the slowdown in growth rates across the sector already noted by rivals including AWS, Microsoft and Google, pointing the finger of blame at customers postponing projects. Europe's largest provider of fluffy white tech services – albeit at a fraction of the size of the three US …

  1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    Climate change?

    The El Reg title is close to accurate ... "Cloud projects keep being postponed amid economic uncertainty" ... while Cloud offerings have always been very useful, these days everything is being hacked and our data stolen - something that was never seen a big risk when the Cloud concept originally appeared. These days we're safe until the cloud starts raining our data.

    1. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

      Re: Climate change?


      Just send us your AWS login credentials, and we'll do the rest!

  2. Bebu Silver badge


    "these short-term headwinds soften our growth rate."

    Something soft and fluffy in these nuanced nuages.

    Pretty sure any clouds encountering headwinds would go backwards.

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