Re: windows got so annoying
My personal systems are mostly Linux, the exceptions being an old WinVista laptop (because it supports VC6++, one of the best object-based platforms ever) and a Win10 Surface Pro 2).
I find Linux - any version - to be far easier to administer than Windows - any version.
But, Windows, yes, well. Windows deserves all the opprobrium and burning coals one can heap on it.
The constant fighting with Windows 10/11 on my work systems is a daily, hourly battle. Multiple machines in a test system.
I call Windows 10/11 simply 'Updates'. Even the Enterprise versions update with no regard to people trying to get work done.
My experience with VisStu 2017/2019/etc. is a nose-in plane crash. It is a nightmare with all the different types of code/technologies that are supported simultaneously with references that won't allow themselves to be linked in the project, because the build system includes it. But the inability to link in, say, mscorlib, causes the code verification to freak out and paint red squiggles under every .NET and interop language term and reference in the code.
And documentation? Documentation for code (C#/C++/SQL) is a hodge-podge of opinions and whim written mainly by folks for whom English is a second, third, fourth, sixth, tenth, etc., language. The only thing that keeps me from bashing my monitors to dust is that, since I work at home, they are my own equipment.
I've switched to LibreOffice instead of MS Office 365. One less pain point.
Outlook and Teams are nothing short of really un-funny jokes.
So, aside from your anti-Linux sentiment, I can feel your pain.