Leave Google Alone
Or rather, leave the search engine alone and shove all the AI crap into the brand new one. Then people who want no part of this hype train (me) don't have to resort complaining in the comments section - everybody wins!
Google is hurrying to add AI to its search platform following Microsoft's debut of OpenAI tech in Bing – a major motivator being that Samsung and Apple might be looking to switch lucrative mobile search deals. The Chocolate Factory is working to build an all-new search engine with integrated AI goodness, as well as infusing …
Indeed. Personally, I think the likes of chatGPT are quite useful when used with an understanding that what they produce might be utter cobblers. But they're not ready to be rolled out as part of search just yet.
People go to a search engine to find information (which might or might not be correct) as provided by a website. You clicks the link and takes your choice on whether you trust the site and hence the information it provides. But, for the most part, you can trust that the page offered by the search engine has some bearing on the search terms you entered.
In other words, people trust the search engines to help them find what they're looking for. If the search engines start using AI to provide answers directly, people are going to trust that just as much, even though the AI is prone to hallucinations. They will be tears before bedtime.
By all means build the things, train them, let people play with them and use them as a tool. But there is no need to squeeze them into every product under the sun just yet.
Tears before bedtime? There'll be tears before I'm done with work. I've already had loads of experience with Google deciding they know what I'm searching for better than I do... witness trying to find info about converting from a WPF Visual to a Windows metafile, and Google assuming that WPF should be WMF, because .wmf is the extension for a Windows Metafile, and clearly that's what I must be looking for...
Beer icon, because I'll need it in copious quantites.