Now just sit back
And wait for the first privacy complaints - and you've detected life
(unless Google blur out aliens)
Fancy a Mars flyover? You're in luck, as a team at Caltech just published a 5.7 terapixel mosaic of Mars that can be explored in 3D. And, yes, things like Google Earth have models of Mars, but this one's better, or so we're told. With a resolution of five metres per pixel, the new Global CTX Mosaic of Mars boasts twenty times …
My 128x48 TRS-80 is going to struggle with that!
Seriously though, I heard about this earlier and it ate up 3 or 4 hours flying around looking at stuff. It really is high resolution, though with my shitty network connection I have to wait for stuff to load.
There are already a couple papers out on stuff that's been noticed in this, where they've been pointed back to the raw data and actually discovered new features.
Mariner IV flew by Mars the day I was born, and the story took up the front page of my hometown paper, so I always have a bit of an affinity for Mars. Plus 80% of the SF stories I read growing up were on Mars or about Martians.
And there's a valley on Duna in KSP in honor of Valles Marineris. isn't possible to turn off those quick links at the bottom. They take up half the screen on mobile (otherwise it works fine on Android).
Otherwise, it's both awesome and mind blowing to wonder around another world. The topological dataset adds in height colouring so you can get an idea of the peculiar Martian landscape, and marvel at the cliffs that must be a couple of kilometers high.
(could also do with latitude/longitude lines, it's really easy to get lost!)