A tsunami of lawsuits ahead of bankruptcy
I read an interesting analysis that legal cases tend to be quite slow so even the hundreds of cases that will have been brought by the haphazard, and some times outright unlawful, redundancies have been piling up in a dozen or so territories. Then there are authorities preparing for cases that may not happen until the second half of this year.
In Europe I suspect we're going to see plenty of GDPR cases for not removing data when requested by users, simply because that is an existing law with well-known procedures. I don't see the first Digital Services Act or Digital Markets Act cases until next year as they are both new acts, including grace periods. All those can come with quite hefty fines.
That means that from later this year the settlements, payouts, and fines will be stacking up for Twitter Inc. That may be a time when Musk will decide to file for bankruptcy. His business motives seem to centre around reputation, image and ego instead of profit or rational behaviour and by being able to say that he could have made a success of Twitter if it wasn't for the governments or 'haters' and 'activists' bankrupting the company, he gets to save face among the crowd whose adulation he desires.