Re: misunderstanding what this AI stuff actually is
I don't think it really matters what this AI stuff actually is. This matters in a more... abstract way (is it 'alive', etc.) and, by implication, is it a jinn that's going to fuck us up real bad. But this is for later, and when it happens, let's just hope the dice isn't against us. But what matters is what this AI stuff actually DOES. And it does things and it will do things better and better. I'm thinking about google translate and how we laughed at 'every' website that used it in 2000s and 2010s, and how god-awful horrible that translated content was. Yet, it never stopped those websites and businesses to use this shite. Maybe they didn't realize, maybe they didn't care. But they used it. And, fast forward 2023, google translate, while it stumbles hilariously every now and then, is very, very good - in comparison with what it was 20 years ago. For me, the analogy with the current bot-craze is the same, only on much more massive scale and scope, across the board. Yes, they will be fuckups, yes, people will die and chat-bots will write mournful stories on endless 'news' sites and even more endless (!) blogs, etc. - but this will not stop businesses jumping on this wagon, and the more will jump, the more lemmings will follow. I could continue with this lemming analogy for ever, but it's Friday and I need to chat with 200,000,000 other humans, gotta stop this hallucinating nonsense, daisy, daisy, give me your answer, do, I'm half cra