Is this the same Indian leadership which shuts it all down whenever someone looks at them funny?
India gives itself a mission to lead the 'Global South' into 6G era
India's government has presented the nation with a challenge: to lead development and deployment of 6G, both within its borders and elsewhere. Prime minister Narendra Modi yesterday opened an area office and innovation center of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and used the occasion to launch a 6G vision …
Monday 27th March 2023 09:17 GMT Raj
Meanwhile the UK is doing a far better job of being an authoritarian state with draconian laws:
Arrests for offensive Facebook and Twitter posts soar in London
Arrests for 'offensive' Twitter and Facebook messages up by a third
So Brits, if you replace Modi with Sunak in your lovely witticisms, do you still end up in jail for it ?
Glass houses. Stones.